
FitView-Building Muscle

Building Muscle Quickly By Efren Martinez

The human body is a remarkable creation; in most cases it can heal itself when it’s sick, mend a broken bone and with the right training can astound us with its remarkable abilities in strength, fitness, endurance as well its muscular beauty that lies within us all. With that said, building muscle mass quickly can easily be achieved with a specific type of workout plan and knowing what to eat and when to eat it.

In photo “A” you see my body structure that resulted in overly eating and drinking all the wrong things with zero exercise. And just as easy as it was to balloon my body to a XXX extra large, it was just as easy to get down to a size small. I achieved this through a disciplined nutrition plan and exercise and in a matter of months I was able to lose all that weight rather quickly back in 2005. During this year of 2012 I often went back and forth in weight sculpting mybody to different forms like in photos “B” and “C” depending the season we were in and if I was training for an endurance event.

In the winter, when the Triathlon Season is over for me, I like to put on muscle. In photo “B” I went from 150lbs to 170lbs with 10% body fat. During that time I focused on bodybuilding and zoned in more on weight lifting versus cardio as well as increasing my protein intake verses carbohydrates.

By mid winter, I was bench-pressing 250lbs and felt very strong while sporting a waistline of 32 inches. In comparison to photo “C” I slimmed down to 140lbs with 5% body fat and got down to a 29-inch waistline. I reached both of these goals within a four-month time period and I achieved sculpting my body so quickly with knowing what to eat and when to eat it. Modesto View Readers, to build muscle mass quickly I cut down on my cardio training by 65% and upped my weight training by 40%.

In total my weight training secessions lasted much longer then my cardio training secessions and not only did I continually add more repetitions while working on this stronger body structure, but I also increased the weight I was lifting rapidly. The workout equation to achieve this was quite the opposite of my normal endurance training, but it worked very well and I got fast muscular results. But lifting weights was only part of it; the real secret in building muscle fast was the nutrition and knowing what to eat and when to eat it.

After my countless studies, I learned that the most beneficial time to build your muscles is within the 2 hours after a hard weight training session. During your weight training secession, your body goes through enormous stress. As you’re lifting weights, your muscles literally will get hot and the small fibers in them began to tear. After your workout, your body begins to rebuild those torn fibers with the nutrition you put into your body. In truth, your body actually hungers for the right food needed to heal itself and rebuild those fibers to get bigger and stronger.

Below are a few suggestions of what I ate after my strength training workouts and when I ate it. These simple foods worked very for well me and sure, results may very depend on your metabolic rate and body type, but the science is solid, I’m living proof of that. As far as slimming down to a body structure in photo “C” like I said, I archived both of these body-sculpting goals within a 4-month period. I went from a healthy weight of 150lbs to a 170lbs musclemass body weight then way back down to 140lbs my preferred racing weight and it’s the weight I am currently sporting now. Look for an upcoming issue in your Modesto View (Fit View) in regards to how I was able to lean down to 140lbsfrom 170lbs so quickly.

NOTE!!!  Always consult with your doctor before starting any nutritional diet or exercise program. Below are a few secrets on what I ate; when I ate it as well & some recovery tips. Suggestions of nutrition right after you’re strength-training workout: 30-40 grams of wey protein. 5 grams of creatine. 70-80 grams of dextrose. “sugar” 5-10 grams of glucosemene. “optional”

Suggestions of nutrition within the 2 hours after you’re strength-training workout. 1st choice eat a can of tuna, 100 grams of rice cakes wash it down with grapefruit juice. Or a 2nd choice would be a 6oz steak, 1 potato single serving of orange juice Note: For bodybuilding, make sure you include protein in every meal of your day. The best sources include eggs, chicken, lean beef, pork, seafood, soy, and low-fat dairy. Carbohydrates are best consumed at breakfast to give you the energy you need to burn off during your day. Recovery Tips: Antioxidant rich foods help reduce inflammation and decrease muscle soreness. One of the easiest ways to get an adequate amount of antioxidants and carbohydrates is by drinking tart cherry juice. Taking an Amino Acid supplement 45 minute prior to a workout helps create the building blocks for building muscle as well as speeds up your recovery. Make sure you stretch out those muscles properly after any workout; studies haveshown it can be more beneficial to do so after verses before. November Fitness Event

Birds of a Feather Run Together! The MJC Turkey Trot Run is celebrated every year on Thanksgiving morning; it brings out runners, walkers and families ready to celebrate their Day with a healthy start to the Holiday. I invite you to join me, (Fit View Editor) and the rest of The Turkeys for a good family time and don’t forget the kids for the children’s Gobbler fun run.

For more info log onto:<> Or call 209-575-6219