
10 Days Of September

by Abbey Murphy
It is easy to get wrapped up in all of our schoolwork, water polo games,
friends and things do to in town. But this month is a very important month to
remember why we should be thinking about peace in the world. We are not
faced with a lot of real issues here in Modesto and we are basically safe. We
are lucky and we need to spread our peace around the world. The Peace Life
center has a interesting way to spread the word.
This year is the 10th anniversary of
9-11. The Modesto Peace/Life Center
and other community organizations
have initiated the “10 Days of Peace”
to promote peaceful ways to relate to
each other and to foster actions for
world peace, leading up to the International
Day of Peace on September 21.
There are public events for anyone to
attend and there is a designated theme
for each of the days that involves actions
we all can take to promote peace,
equality, openness and acceptance
of all. I encourage you to attend the
public events and become engaged in
the suggested daily actions.
Sun. 9/11: Public Event: Interfaith 9-11 Remembrance Service 6:30 PM, Sunday, September
11, 2011 Mancini Bowl, Graceada Park, Modesto
Mon. 9/12: “Get your Peace ON” Day: Wear peace-related clothing and be prepared to discuss
Tues. 9/13: Introspection and Poetry Day: “A Gathering of Voices” poets read peace poetry.
Barkin’ Dog, 940 11th St., 6 p.m. Meditating, pray, do yoga, walk for peace, read a Peace book.
Wed.9/14: Civic Engagement Lecture Series: “Muslims and their Faith: Beyond the Misconceptions.”
Speaker: Ameena Jandali 7 PM, MJC East Campus, 435 College Ave., Modesto Forum
Building Room 110.
Thurs. 9/15: Communication Day: Write a letter, send an email, talk to someone, “bury the
hatchet,” create your own way for communicating Peace.
Fri. 9/16: Fast for Peace Day. Donate your “lunch money” to charity.
Sat. 9/17: Community Activities For Peace Day:
•Teaming Up for the Tuolumne:
A river and park clean-up.
9 AM- 12 PM, Legion Park
Coordinator: Tuolumne River Trust
•Pride Day @ Graceada Park, Modesto
8:00 AM- 5 PM
Sun. 9/18: Family Gathering/Make a Plan Day: Spend time with family, commit, to doing something
for Peace this year.
Mon. 9/19: Random Acts of Kindness Day: “Pay it forward” ALL DAY LONG!
Tues. 9/20: Green Peace Day: Help the environment today. Ride your bike, recycle, take a
walk, eat lower on the food chain, wear organic.
Wed. 9/21: The International Day of Peace Peace-nic (picnic) and Song Circle 5:30 PM-8:00
PM, Graceada Park
Queen Bean Schedule
The Queen Bean has a cool patio and it is a good place to sit and do homework
too. They make a ton of good coffee and tea drinks. We need to support
our local places, especially those that support local music.
September 2, 8 pm The Pollinators And More TBA
September 9, 8 pm Tony and The Tuff Times
September 10, 8 pm Brandon Sutton More TBA
September 16, 8 pm Roy Dean & More TBA
September 23, 7:30 pm Rubber Lizard
September 24, 8 pm, TreeShell and more TBA
Open Mic Every Sunday 6PM With Solo Bass Jake