On Saturday, May 10, 2014, the day before Mother’s Day, the third Ride for Mom® event (RFM) will be held at Johansen High School in Modesto. The event includes four cycling routes (a route for every age and ability level), a delicious and healthy lunch, a lifestyle fair and great fellowship with family and friends.
RFM’s purpose is to have lots of fun while promoting awareness about lifestyle choices that we can make to prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease, thus “Be Active. Eat healthy. Live Better”. In the past two years, over 800 riders, 40 exhibitors, numerous sponsors and 200+ amazing volunteers have participated. Through their generous support, the RFM Organizing Team has been fortunate to distribute $15,000 to organizations that support this awareness. The promoting sponsor of RFM is the Rotary Club of Modesto Sunrise and its 501(c) (3) foundation. The Organizing Team of RFM is made up of community minded individuals, Rotarians and non-Rotarians, who care, share and are committed to improving our quality of life. New this year, the Organizing Team will be hosting a movie, Breaking Away, at the State Theatre on Thursday, May 8, 2014. Check it out at http://www.thestate.org/calendar/event/285. To learn more about RFM, click on www.rideformom.com