
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

Legends of the Cruise Judy Felix Walk 2016

The Walk of Fame
By Chris Murphy

When I approached George Lucas a few years ago about getting involved in the Modesto Historic Cruise Route, I explained that our mission was to tell the stories behind the story that he told. Our efforts here in ModestoUSA are to share the people and places that inspired Lucas’ milestone film, making Modesto USA a popular part of pop culture. You can walk the Cruise Route and watch videos from the Legends of the Cruise and see our Walk of Fame markers in 10th Street Plaza. Let’s meet the 2016 inductees into the Modesto Historic Cruise Route, Legends of the Cruise Walk of Fame.

Judy Felix Walk – Downey High ‘54
The best High School physique marries the Best looking. This is the story of Judy Felix and her husband Kenny Walk. At the other end of the cruise, in the mid 50’s, was another drive-in called Al’s. This was the home for most of the kids from the newly constructed second high school in Modesto, Thomas Downey High School, where George Lucas would graduate in 1962. The Felix family-owned Al’s at Frances and McHenry after Leonard Felix purchased it in 1950. Judy Felix Walk was part of those days and had one of the best cruising places in Modesto. Her parents were strict with her curfew, but since she worked at Al’s, she was always in the middle of it. The Felix’s also had another drive-in called Felix’s Drive-in at Alice and McHenry. Al’a and Felix were key to the evolution of the cruise out McHenry from 10th and 11th St. Judy would meet her future husband in high school. “Best High School Physique” marries the “Best Looking.” Kenny and Judy Walk are still married today and continue to share their Graffiti memories. Kenny Walk would work the drive-ins during those years, as did her younger sister Joyce Felix Hawkins, now in Pittsburg, PA. Al’s and Felix’s are no longer there, but the contribution of the Felix family has created an important chapter in our American Graffiti history.