5 Questions with The Panduhs’ Neil Cassidy
By Monica Barber

For The Panduhs new album, frontman Neil Cassidy found his muse on the basketball court. Switching up your aesthetic is a sure way to get the attention of your audience but the transformation of The Panduhs on the new album is so effortless that it’s hard not to be wowed by the results. Those who caught the new single “Programa” last month from the new release Basketball Disco won’t be shocked by similarly sleek tracks, like “Lonely Teenager” with its unique swooning glide, interspersed throughout the album favoring synth vocals and hooks among the tracks that make you remember why you love The Panduhs.
For listeners who are only familiar with the band’s earlier forays will certainly still enjoy Basketball Disco’s assured sound and songwriting and how it wrings ravishment out of synth melancholia and pairs it with sumptuously lush arrangements. Taking a minute away from promoting the new album’s release, Neil Cassidy of the The Panduhs graciously answered a few of the questions for ModestoView.

Modesto View: Tell us a little about yourself.
Neil Cassidy: My name is Neil Cassidy and I just released a real good album called “Basketball Disco”, for my band, The Panduhs. Right now, The Panduhs are Francisco Montes, Josh Lownsbery and myself.
MV: What inspires & drives your music?
NC: I’m inspired by my favorite artists: Phil Spector, Ronnie Spector, Kanye, Damon Albarn, Jonathan Richman, Calvin Johnson, Stephen Malkmus, Jason Lytle; so many). But I mean, I make music because Its one of the only things that I can do. Like, I’m very fortunate. Its cool because sometimes instead of crying, or being angry, or feeling some kind of emotion first, and then writing, I just pick up my drum machine, or lay down a synth line, or play some kind of chord progression, and that’s usually the catalyst to some emotion coming out. Its therapy. When I go play basketball, or go on a run, it’s different for me. It makes my head happy immediately, and I feel like a child. But when I play music, it makes my head sad. People need to be happy, and they need to be sad too. Most people are sad, and pretend to be happy, or are just happy because they aren’t very smart. I’m very fortunate that I get to be so sad, and that it feels really good because I’m being sad through my guitar, and synthesizers, and bass, and drum machines, and my lyrics! They’re mine! I get to experience sadness in the most beautiful way possible, and I can’t imagine not having something that you can be sad through. I can’t imagine that. I’m very fortunate.
MV: Tell us what it means to you to be working as an musical act.
NC: I don’t really know what it means to me. It’s cool. It’s not work though. Playing shows is fun, and writing/recording here at my studio, Calliphone, is really fun. So I guess it means fun. But Its definitely not work.
MV: What keeps you motivated to keep pushing boundaries with your music?
NC: Definitely nothing. I don’t think boundaries are real.
MV: What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?
NC: Writing Basketball Disco. I had a lot of fun with it. I’m sad that I’m done. But I’ll just play some shows, and start on the next project.
Thank you Neil Cassidy of The Panduhs!
Check out The Panduhs on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ThePanduhs. Basketball Disco is available for free download on thepanduhs.bandcamp.com, and streaming on Apple Music, Spotify, etc.