
Airborne Toxic Event at Amoeba Hollywood

Airborne Toxic Event at Amoeba Hollywood
By Russ Allsup

On Feb. 25th The Airborne Toxic Event had a CD release show at Amoeba Records in Hollywood, Ca. for their 3rd album, Dope Machines.

People were lined up around the block for this free show hours before the event and the band played to a packed house of screaming and adoring fans. One thing I noticed immediately was that out of all the shows I’ve been to at Amoeba, this was the best sound of any of them. When the band played soft, you could hear a pin drop, and when they got heavy and rocked out, it wasn’t overbearing or too loud. You could hear every person in the band just fine.

Having a violin/keyboard player in the band gives them a very earthy vibe- not quite folk, but more Americana mixed with rock and roll. I’ll admit I wasn’t familiar with the bands’ music, but they won me over and won me over. The band played about eight songs, including a solo acoustic song by singer Mikel Jollett that captivated the crowd. I’d never heard Toxic Airborne Events music before, but really liked them. The tunes come across as heartfelt and earnest with a big sound that could purr along quietly as a kitten at times.

After the show, the band met fans and signed copies of their new album. I talked to the singer and bass player for a minute after the meet and greet, and they were sincere, down to earth, and no big rock star egos in the slightest- this was a band that loved their fans and let them know it.

You can check out The Toxic Airborne Event at and also on Facebook at