
Art View: Ever-Evolving ARt

Art View
Jim Christiansen

For October and November, the pandemic has knocked out two Annual favorite art events until 2021. Stanislaus Artist Open Studio scheduled for October 10 and 11, has been rescheduled to April of next year. ModShop posted that 2020 event has been cancelled, to resume in 2021. One art event that will take place is the Seventh Art Restores Kids program fundraiser November 12, 2020. Local artists pick an inspiration piece from art generated in the Ark Program, and offer their interpretation up for sale to support ARK. Due to Covid-19, the physical event in Del Rio will be combined with a virtual event for the Art Restores Kids Program at Cricket’s Hope.
Modesto High art student Martha Wentstrup is winner of the 2020 Congressional student art competition in our district. In addition to receiving a certificate from Congressional Representative Josh Harder, Martha’s winning art will be on display in Washington, D.C. in the halls of Congress. Congratulations.
The Galleries are on restricted hours. Online and limited in person classes are available. Check schedules with Mistlin Gallery, Chartreuse Muse, Dragonfly Art for Life in Modesto, Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock, and Art and Stuff in Riverbank. All have Facebook pages.
The Queen Bean offers a class for students 3rd to 6th grade every other Monday on the patio, at $25 per class. Limited to 10 students, masks required, registration is through Eventbrite link on the Queen Bean Facebook event page. MoCon Art and Music Studio offering Free Art Classes 11 am to 2 pm each Saturday. Wear and Mask and Social Distance. Classes in hand painting, pour painting, water, hydro dip. MoCon is located at Tenth and E Streets, downtown Modesto. Instagram is: moconartiststudio
The California Arts Council has made available COVID-19 relief funds in support of artists and organizations of color which have been affected by the hardships imposed by the pandemic closures and restrictions. These funds have been granted to local arts councils for regranting to artists of color and organizations serving communities of color. For information and applications, contact Linda Knoll at

The Shire Community recently announced its local artist grant program, and applications were due September 23. No announcement who gained grants, but good idea that supports our local arts community.

The Mistlin Gallery opened its inaugural Expose Yourself to Art livestream, featuring artist Nicole Slater. The hour-long program hosted by David Schroeder and Linda Schiller already posted to YouTube, with next episode featuring Prospect Theater Project icon Jack Souza. Check the Mistlin Gallery Facebook page for October offerings.

New mural downtown announces the reopening of Harvest Moon downtown, 13th and I street.

With Open Studio rescheduled, I continue creating my home/studio art venue with this month’s addition of café lights, and eccentric garden bench/mural construction to change the view of my neighbor’s bright white stucco garage. The project started with a left over twisted 4 x 6 inch used fence post and some other studio construction material leftovers, and other repurposed lumber, and paints to transform the narrow side garden along my driveway into a sitting area, and garden I don’t have to weed. I live on an alley, so I can move the car out of its parking spot, and host and outdoor event, art, music, or gathering of friends. More I stay at home, the more this project evolves.