
ArtView – End of Summer

By Jim Christiansen

Here we are at the end of summer, and much of what’s going on in our local art scene is continuation of shows that opened in July; well worth visiting if you missed July Art Walk. The Emergence Show at the Chartreuse Muse features a group exhibition of new and emerging local artists. Jim Abuan, Laura Stokes, Adelle Dolin, Pat Welty, Matt Sahlit, Barbara Gill, D. J. Laughlin, Alberto Medina, Terry Mack Carson, Cindy Birdsill, Phil Vance, Cheryl Bloomfield, Mary Jane Kiskinen, Abhilasha Natahajin, Jonathan Troxler, Jack Penderoast, Bare Paw Designs, and I among the familiar and likely new names to check out.

ModestoView cover art will continue on display at the Mod Spot, Peer Recovery Art Project Gallery at 13th and J Streets. Ten years of Modesto View covers are featured in this display through August 15.

From The Trenches is an exhibition highlighting a selection of artworks by art students from local and not-so-local California colleges and universities. The Mistlin Gallery through show host Dr. Richard Serros, brought together a rich and varied collection of works reflecting a broad range of interests and approaches to expressing ideas and working with various media. The Show contacted 42 of the best undergraduate art students across the region. These students are from our three local campuses and a number who have transferred to art departments at various CSU and UC campuses throughout California. These include: CSU Stanislaus, San Jose, Sacramento, Chico, Humboldt, Long Beach and Fullerton, as well as UC Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz and San Diego. This show has been extended through August. Next up is the Member’s Juried show and gala event.

John Griswold and Friends hosts the Lucca Winery Music series that all summer has featured local artists with its music offerings. This month Esther Wineapple will be a featured artist with her Michael Jackson and other portraits, at the Foreverland Concert August 13. Jim Christiansen also featured and will be joined up by Rita Barbano and Yvette LaForce for the Series Woman of Brazil concert September 10. Artists Tammy Jo Shchoppet, Jennifer Williams, Nicole Slater, Eva Hass, and Deborah Barr have been featured in the first two shows. for more information.

Art Walk comes up August 18. Downtown Market runs at the same time, and face painting and some children’s chalk art been the mainstays there, as still seeking art and crafter vendors. John Lenhart will be featured artist at the Carolyn Huff Gallery on K Street. John is known for his “realism” in his art. This past month, Chloe Fonda featured at Barkin Dog Grill. Other spots to see something new at Preservation Coffee, Still Smoking, and Che’root. The Art Walk Passport is still out there to fill out, and enter a chance to win dinner and a movie. Check with your art walk venues.

Fall Classes for kids open to sign up at Chartreuse Muse and MIstlin Gallery. The Valley Sun Catchers plein air group has reformed with Rick Ingraham. Check in with The Shire artist group, and Modesto Art Salon events and activities in Facebook groups. The annual Yosemite Renaissance Exhibition entry deadline is September 1.