
ArtView – Graffiti Creations

Art View
By Jim Christiansen

June for me often opens at the Riverdance Farms Pick and Gather festival, where I started with a watercolor for their fliers, and show art, and help get local bands on our shade house stage. It’s a fun project, and again opens June 1 and 2, with artists, crafters in the mix. That’s in Livingston, at 1230 Livingston-Cressey Road. The rest of June often includes drawing crowds and cars during Graffiti Summer events. I’ve done Graffiti Night and cruise related tee shirts and bumper stickers as satire, as official shirts for Minnie’s, and many other June Modesto Events. Check out the numerous Cruise related murals by FASM and other artists around town. And if you’re interested in commissioning a piece of art related to our Graffiti Summer culture, get hold of artists like Mark Navarro, who do some excellent images and car art. Saw a good one in the window of Dragon Fly Art for Life on J Street

This year I’m exporting two Modesto Graffiti Summer themed paintings to Lodi, called Downtown Parking and Tangled up in Traffic for a show titled “Coffee Cats and Other Genres” as featured artist for Lodi Art Hop at Hutchins Street Square. The show hangs June 3, reception and Lodi First Friday Art hop June 7. The show hangs all month at the Thompson Theater in Hutchins Street Square complex.

Artists seeking a place to hang their work, take note. Papachino’s is starting a monthly rotation of local artists and put out a call for artists. Stop in at the restaurant to get more information and get on the list. When I reposted that call for artists, Café Bliss in Oakdale also seeking artists, good place to show. Barkin Dog Grill features art by Kristy Moore this month, followed by Artist Vann Thompson at the Art Walk Change. Art Walk isn’t just a chance to show. I saw a patron at Chartreuse Muse with a just purchased painting from artist on the sidewalk corner with Tresetti’s. Check out the Art Walk venues on Third Thursday, as most art is for sale, much of it changed from the previous month. Still Smoking usually packed with art, Tri-Chromatic always interesting, and check in with Carolyn Huff Photography Gallery on K Street.

“Summertime with Christine Capsuto” is the second in the Grace Lieberman Cabaret performances in the Mistlin Gallery. She will perform works from Opera to Broadway June 8, 7 pm. Check the Gallery Facebook page for tickets or stop in 1015 J Street to rsvp. Last show was sold out. Art on display will be the Central California Art Association members Summer Splash show.

Plenty of art workshops and mini-camps, classes this summer to get your art on, no matter what your age, or interest in art media. Chartreuse Muse, Mistlin Gallery, Dragonfly Art for Life, Tri-Chromatic Gallery all have offerings in painting, drawing, ceramics for the new and experienced artists. The Shire is doing events and continuing work on the space and fundraising. Support local artists.

And a shout out to Modesto News invitation to interview 3 local artists. Me, Kristy Moore and Jennifer K. Machado on recent show aired on KFIV May 11 and video later posted to Facebook. Mick Rubalcava tells me to expect more local Modesto Art Scene on Modesto News this summer.