
ArtView-June 2014

Art View By Jim Christiansen

June in Modesto usually focuses on graduation, cars, and on the movie “American Graffiti.” A salute to that is included in the Tribute to American Graffiti show at Mistlin Gallery, a part of a trio of shows on display until July 12. In the front of the Gallery, this theme show features a large triptych by Pam Phillips, numerous classic car paintings and historic landmark features like A&W and the Modesto Arch that recall movie and Modesto past. This show was organized by artist Virginia White and art on display in the gallery is for sale. The remainder of the Mistlin Gallery space is taken up by the Central California Art Association Members show and the “Faces of Clay” ceramics show. The member show takes on the Central California Art Showcase format of no limitations on size or media. You will find duct tape creations by John Apodaca, and a large Bamboo Cane creation by Valentino Alexander, as well as more familiar painting, digital art, photography, drawing and watercolor. This show is paired with “Faces of Clay” an invitational exhibit put together by show chair Randy Crimmel. Many of these creations are some sort of portrait in clay.

In July, Mistlin will showcase a Sixties Theme show, with all art related in some way to the 1960 decade, with recent and period works. Members and nonmembers alike are invited to enter this show. Contact the Mistlin Gallery, 209 529-3369 for more information. And if you’re thinking of joining the Central California Art Association, a dues and membership renewal is underway this month and next. Membership is $50. The Mistlin Gallery is open 11:30 am to 5 pm, Tuesday through Friday, and Noon to 4 pm on Saturdays.

Kids art camps and classes are open at Chartreuse Muse, Mistlin Gallery, and Carnegie Arts Center. Check with local artists to see who may be teaching privately, or special events. Mark Holden recently did a drawing class at the NASCO warehouse and retail store, with students of all ages. Mark really enjoyed teaching the session and impressed by his students, young and old. Mark is currently working on the “My Friends and I” Volume 2 album of local musicians. David Bienkowski has been a regular teaching at the Senior Center on Bodem Street through the City of Modesto and Mistlin Gallery. MJC community classes have art in the class schedule.

My projects lately have been some guerilla art display in Escalon, courtesy artist Jennifer Machado, and signing up for the Oakdale Farmers Market. Both Escalon and Oakdale are part of the Highway 120 adventure, as stops on the flow of the 120 route to Yosemite, and back to the Bay Area. The Oakdale Farmers Market project is joining local artists at $10 a booth, or $65 for all 13 weeks, with the Artist Corner the Market is providing for kid’s art activities. Artists interested should contact Ramona Howard at Oakdale Tourism Bureau. 209 322-9702.

Art Walk comes up June 19 this month. Get a map, and also look for the off the map surprises. Last month the Cupcake Lady was parked in front of Crow Trading.