
ArtView – Labor Day and Back to School

Art View
By Jim Christiansen

Labor Day and back to school. Time to consider some classes. Mistlin Gallery, Chartreuse Muse, Carnegie Arts Center all field art classes. So do other groups like The Shire, The Black Sheep’s ink, Black Hearts and the Tri-Chromatic Gallery. Commercial party art places, Art Time and Sip Wine, and Pinot’s Pallette are open. MJC and CSUS galleries are open with plenty of art to enjoy. I bring this up as opportunities to access the arts exist in our area, at all skill levels, media, depth of interest. It’s here. Get out to Art Walk and Art Events, there is an Art Scene in Modesto.

I’m writing with a broken wrist from an injury hanging art. Use a ladder where you can, and follow the usual safety rules. But since the art is up, you can see some of my work at Barkin’ Dog, Chartreuse Muse and if I make the cut at Mistlin Gallery for the juried Members Autumn Festival show. In light of my injuries, here is some broken cut and paste for rest of this month’s column

Mistlin Gallery -Join us for our biggest fundraiser of the year — the Autumn Art Festival Gala on September 16 from 6-9 p.m. Tickets are $30 at the gallery, or online at The Autumn Art Festival Members juried show will already be open for viewing free at Mistlin Gallery. Art is for sale.

Chartreuse Muse 15th Anniversary celebration is this month, The Chartreuse Muse opened its doors as a contemporary gallery in Modesto in 2002. In September of 2007, The Muse moved to it’s current location at 918 10th Street, across the street from the Gallo Center and into the heart of downtown Modesto. Anniversary celebration September 17 www.chartreusemuse,com
First Friday this month is September 1. Art Walk September 21. Art Club at the Shire September 6. The 45th Annual Columbia Art Show September 17.

Aaron Rowan is seeking visual artists who would like to set up shop at Moon & Sixpence Music and Art House. Upcoming concert dates are September 3, 13, 15, 16, 22, 23, 26 & 29. See Aaron’s column in UnpluggedView and contact him if interested

Call for Artists!
Extempore the Art Alley pop up bar has been added to Third Thursday Art Walk and is looking for artists to show with them in future art walks. So do come by Thursday and check it out, talk to Kimberly, help us get this thing going. It’s open air, some challenges to display, but it’s fun. Stop in. Extempore is open to midnight, so even if showing elsewhere this month, plenty of time go stop in, unwind and check it out. September Art Walk Mystery and Cosplay theme is Rockabilly on September 21 beginning at 5 pm.

I’m working on a three panel sharpie mural for a private home pool room. Check a really colorful bar and pool themed mural by Linda Knoll out at newly opened Copper Rhino 2 at Oakale and Sylvan. Buy Art, support local artists.