
ArtView November 2016

by Jim Christiansen


The Autumn leaves are blowing into my studio/garage gallery these days, reminding me to use a broom so visitors can drop in.  I tested out the space with an Open Studio over my October birthday weekend.  November 12 and 19 will be the first of regular twice a month Open Studio days at my house, with follow up in December on the 10th and 17th.  This should keep the studio cleaned up in advance for the 2017 Stanislaus Artist Open Studio April 22 and 23. The AOS steering meeting is back in action, and I am AOS publicity person.  January 15 is the final deadline to apply, with $75 entry fee, photos for the map, and directions to your studio. Studio spaces can be shared, and more information will be coming out on the Stanislaus Artist Open Studio facebook page. Contact

Meanwhile, we enter the holiday season with ModShop coming up the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and various crafter and art events all over the county.  Mistlin Gallery will have their Home for the Holiday Show starting November 19, same time they have me as a featured artist in the Entry window display.  Check our Modesto View Calendar and Modesto Bee Scene for there are too many to list here!  Mistlin Gallery also hosts the Memorial Complementary Therapy Cancer Survivors show this month, always a good view.  To keep up with Mistlin Gallery, check out the new Central California Art Association website at

November 19 is Art Walk.  In addition to the official map sites, you’ll find extra art and entertainment stops downtown.  If you haven’t picked up a new map and passport for the movie and dinner contest, get one!  New stops on the map include the always interesting Downtown Tinkertank, Tresetti’s, Doubletree Hotel, and Never Boring Design.  They join Chartreuse Muse, Carolyn Huff Gallery, Mistlin Gallery, Peer Recovery Art Project, Still Smoking, Preservation Coffee and Barkin’ Dog Grill.  Art, Music, shopping, all part of it.  For more info visit www.modestoartwalk . We follow up Art Walk at Ralston’s Goat with a comedy showcase at 9pm.

Down in Turlock at the Carnegie Arts Center, the “Drawing on Childhood” display features regional artists working on theme of childhood experiences.  This show runs through the end of the year.  For other art and music events at Carnegie see

The most fun show I saw in October was Don Hall’s solo show at Modesto Junior College Art Gallery.  “Master Piece Theater” took you on a tour of Don’s self- portraits through the history of Art.  It ended October 27, but you can see more of Don’s work at Chartreuse Muse, with featured artist Suzanne Staud, and more art and art jewelry items for holiday shopping.  Time to sweep up my space for pre-Thanksgiving visitors.  Support local artists.