

Art View By Jim Christiansen

October’s Downtown Modesto Third Thursday Art Walk falls on my birthday, October 17. I am celebrating by getting a new map, and seeing what’s new. Find the new map at<> or stop in at Crow Trading where some of my art on sale. Artists interested in showing their work during Art Walk should get a map and check with the individual venues to see if an opportunity to show available. Downtown also offers other art spots like Picasso’s, Café DEVA, Concetta and Tokyo Express.

I try to keep readers updated on Art events in our area, but we don’t always get information by deadline. Best show I got to see, but failed to get in column last month, the Faculty Reunited display, that just finished at the Modesto Junior College East Campus Art Gallery. This is the kind of show I like to see in our area. Kudos to MJC Visual Arts Club and Dr. Richard Serros for putting this exhibit together. I got to talk to Dr. Serros about the recently installed project of Constellation mural panels at the new MJC Planetarium on the West Campus, represented by two quarter sized samplings in the gallery show. Caused me to take a trip to see the full sized versions.

In North Modesto, the Uno Sergento Gallery opens its second show with featured artist Corey West. It is located at 5054 Pentecost, off Kiernan, in the One Stop Design Center. Trewin Framery is just a block away.

Central California Art Association/Mistlin Gallery features Virginia White: “She’s Painting the Town” a retrospective 40 years of Virginia’s watercolors 1973 to 2013, with artist reception during Art Walk. Virginia is known for watercolors of architectural landmarks, such as Gallo Center, McHenry Mansion. New works in the show will include A & W Root Beer, The Flower Clock, The Modesto Arch at Sunset, and Tenth Street Place. Virginia has studied with some renowned watercolor instructors, George Post, Robert E Wood, Pop artist, Mel Ramos, and locally, Dan Peterson. Virginia lives in Modesto and is a retired art teacher from the Oakdale public schools. Show runs October 8 to November 8.

Also showing is Rebecca Harvey who traveled to Africa, Europe, Canada and Alaska with her camera. She started 30 years ago in the dark room with black and white film and now works with digital images. She lives in Coulterville and won awards in San Francisco Bay area, Sonora, and Manteca. Photos in the Mistlin Gallery include action shots of wildlife and color landscapes. Her philosophy is “A photo opportunity will last for only a few seconds but an image that captures your heart will last forever.” Her website is<> Artist reception will be during Art Walk.

The Chartreuse Muse, Mistlin Gallery and Carnegie Arts Center have children and Adult Art Classes fall sessions open. The Muse has a new fall show featuring Picasso’s owner artist Jordi Camps in September. The Chartreuse Muse life drawing group every other Saturday in the upstairs studio, 10 am to 1 pm at $10. The Carnegie Arts Center and hosts Friday and Sunday lecture series. Focus On will feature another concert at Mistlin Gallery featuring Golden Bough and Tempest at the end of the month. See for details. George Cole will be featured in the third in series of concerts at Mistlin Gallery in November.

Merced Art Hop will be October, as is the All Hallows Fantasy Faire in Sonora. Riverbank will have the Wine and Cheese Festival. Sonora features Second Saturday Art Night. Livermore Art Walk, Saturday October 12, 11 am to 5 pm – 150 Artists, Art Demos, acoustic music, wine bar on the plaza, art banner auction, free admission.<> 925-447 ARTS. October is Artists Open Studio Month in Santa Cruz County. Three weekends in a row. Just look for the prevalent Open Studio Signs all over the Santa Cruz area. Our own Stanislaus Artist Open Studio effort is open to Artist applications, at $25 to enter by December 1 deadline. Get the forms online and complete information at