
ArtView – March Youth Art Month

Art View By Jim Christiansen

Maps are on sale for the 2014 Stanislaus Artists Open Studio Tour. This year, 64 artists are participating in the April 12 and 13 Open Studio weekend. Most show in their own studio, with demos, displays, and portfolios available to review. Others are showing in groups. All 44 stops have Art available for purchase. My home studio is on the tour, and I’m usually open for visits while setting up on Friday. Open Studio will hold a preview show and map sale with the Modesto Pops concert at Gallo Center, March 14. Maps are $10 each, and students 18 and under attend free. Pick one up at Mistlin Gallery, Chartreuse Muse, Carnegie Arts Center, or see the website for locations:

MJC Visual Art Club student exhibition “Homage and Experimentation” is on display through March 13. An artist reception featuring completed work held March 13, 5:30 pm. at the Modesto Junior College Art Gallery, East Campus. Hours” Monday to Wednesday – 10 am to 5 pm, and Thursday, 10 am to 7 pm. This show started January 27. Artworks will be for sale. Good Show! March is Youth Art Month with two official events at Stanislaus Board Office of Education interpretive event, and the YAM show at MJC Art Gallery.

March is Youth Art Month. The Youth Art Month or YAM show is March 19 to 26 2014, at Modesto Junior College Art Gallery, MJC East Campus, 435 College Avenue. A reception and awards presentation will take place March 26, from 5 to 7 pm. Stanislaus County Office of Educations will present Making Arts Learning Visible: Educationally Interpretive Exhibition – Free to view at the SCOE offices, H at 12th Street, Modesto, March 3 to April 4.

Mistlin Gallery is celebrating younger students, K-12 in the annual “Young at Art Show,” formerly known as the Young Masters. This annual exhibition has been displayed over 30 years by the Central California Art Association. This year the show has been moved to March to tie in to Youth Art Month, and runs March 4 to March 29. Free to visit, the Mistlin gallery is open Tuesday to Friday, 11:30 am to 5 pm, and Saturday noon to 5 pm, and open Third Thursday Downtown Art Walk, March 20. Mistlin Gallery located at 1015 J Street, Modesto.

The Family Justice Center will exhibit its child artist inspired community artist collaborative art show and sale fundraiser March 27. Tickets and information on the fundraiser available online at<> or call Cindy Schneider at 209-525-5134

There is a new 5 panel Mural at 309 Downey by Tom Nye, with faux marbling assist on columns by Monica Gunderson, a colorful improvement over the one put up last year with similar Modesto Cruising motif. On Scenic Drive, with the relocation of Prospect Theater Project down near 13th and K Streets, Helen Million’s murals in PTP’s windows are now gone. Prospect Theater Project now in midst of its new capital campaign has also been a local artist showcase and deserves your support.

Art Walk is March 20, and time for the new map. Always good to look up the regular venues like Crow Trading to pick one up, or at new stops like C’est Joli and Preservation Coffee and Tea. New map online at<> Off the map, I have new art up at the County Recorder’s Office with Tony Pooler and other CCAA members. New art expected soon at Stanislaus Alliance Offices, and other venues like Concetta, Tokyo Express, Designz, Café DEVA and Papachino’s.

Riverdance Farms “Pick and Gather” has a call for artists, crafters and vendors for the May 31, June 1 event. Info is posted at<>

If you were looking to enter the usual CCAA or Carnegie Arts Center Spring Show, you’re too late. The new format showing, with no categories and unlimited size ended entries February 28, and will open at both the Carnegie Arts Center and Mistlin Gallery in April. The event is now called the Central Valley Arts Showcase and will run April 2 through May 11.<>

Photos : Naming lines and creating abstract with colors. 2nd grade, Fremont Elementary (kandinsky)