
Back To SchoolView

Back to School Modesto- August 12
What?? Is it that time already? Aug 12 is the big back to school day for Modesto City Schools.
Be safe on the roads out there. Most of the kids in Modesto will be going back to school earlier than ever this year. The new school clothes, the reams of binder paper, the calculators will be n the backpacks as kids go back in search of higher education. Donate to your teacher’s need list and make sure that our kids have every chance to me successful.

Backpacks including paper, pens, and glue are just a few items that you can donate to help a child be successful in school. By providing backpacks for school you are giving a child the opportunity to walk into a classroom with confidence, the tools they need to be successful in the classroom and a feeling of belonging with their classmates! Sierra Vista Children’s Center is distributing to many of the children that in the variety of programs/services they provide such as Sierra Vista’s family resource centers, clinics throughout the County, non-public schools, mentoring programs, and foster care.
You can drop off backpacks and school supplies to the SVC Administration Office at 100 Poplar Avenue, Modesto, CA by August 2, 2019 call 209-523-4573 for more information

A shout out to all School Drama and Music Directors!
Please let the View know what about your shows so that we can spread the word to fill your seats!
Who, what, where, when and how to purchase tickets. Please send info to<>