

By Chris Murphy

Do you remember when school used to start the day after labor day? If so, you are aging yourself. Each June I do remember wishing for school to get out, but as the summer went on, I was anxious to get back and wished for school to start earlier. Now that wish has been granted. For the Modesto City School kids, the classes start on August 9. At this point it will be in person classes and please check with the school for the mask policy that will be in place at the time school starts.

We know that school supplies are in short supply this year so please post your backpack and school supplies wish lists on @modestoview on facebook so we can share and help spread the word to get donations. You can also find ways to lend a hand at<> and make sure our kids and teachers get the support they need this season.

Most importantly, drive safe around our schools and be careful and look out for students. Let’s make sure we have Safe Routes to School