
BargainView Sizzling Summertime

Sizzling Summertime
By Monica Barber
Summertime pairs warm sunny weather with many things to do in the sun. But there is also plenty to do while staying cool. Ms. M’s sipping an iced tea lemonade and trying to keep up with her summer reading challenge from the Stanislaus County Library which ends in August. Don’t worry, it’s not too late to catch up on your reading and summer fun. Here are some ways to spend your time in July, without spending too much money.

Happy Fourth of July! Summertime definitely would not be the same without the family gathering, fireworks and the Independence Day parade in Downtown Modesto! Continuing with local tradition, the city of Modesto will hosts its annual 4th of July parade which it has been celebrated since 1874. The parade route follows its tradition path through downtown with entries of floats, local groups, marching bands and more. Info:
Enjoying music in the garden during lunch is great for the soul. Gallo Center’s Brown Bag Concert Series offers free lunchtime concerts every Friday from Noon to 1p.m. in their outdoor Modesto Rotary Music Garden featuring some of our area’s local musical acts. July 8th welcomes local favorite, the Josh Rosenblum Band to brighten up your lunch hour. Attendees are encouraged to bring their lunch and a blanket or towel to sit on while they enjoy the music. Check out on this popular series. Info
The Downtown Modesto 3rd Thursday Art Walk returns on July 21st from 5-8 p.m. Get out during the cooler evening hours and enjoy a stroll, or sit in a parklet while you view the works of local crafters and artisans. Mitslin Gallery, Chartreuse Muse, and Dragonfly Art for Life are among the participating galleries. Many galleries will display signage or balloons to assist in locating their gallery spaces easily. Info:
Attending the theater can go a long way in lifting the spirits, for yourself and others. The YES Company youth theater groups takes on the classic musicals of Broadway every summer at the Gallo Center in Modesto. This year the YES Company presents Annie in a long weekend run on July 21st through July 24th. This multiple Tony Award winning play is a dazzling arrangement and performance for any theater enthusiast and a wonderful way to support and encourage our local youth in the arts. Tickets: $14-45. Info:
Stay Cool and enjoy July!
Kisses, m.
