
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

BigView – EarthDay

The BigView
Earth Day
By Chris Murphy

Green Planet & Earth Day
We may have a lot of cars, many shoes and some people have two or three houses, but we only have one planet. There is no plan B, other place to be so that means we really have to take care of what we have, and treat our earth as if it is the only one we have, because it is. There is something that every single person can do to make a positive difference to our environment. One more bike ride, solar panels on you home or workplace, using less plastic bags, combining your errands into one trip. The solutions are endless and in the most case pretty easy. We just need to break our habits, walk a bit more, ride share a bit more and think twice about what we buy and throw away. Our kids have this figured out already and now we own them some basic effort. Thanks to all of you that are doing more than their share, and we hope that each of you will take small steps to make a difference. I hope you will join ModestoView, the City of Modesto and many of our great green-conscious organizations at Earth Day on April 20 at Graceada Park from 10am to 4 pm. There are tons of great ideas and even fun things for kids here. Enjoy and Go Green