
Billy Idol: King of the Underground

Generation X King of The Underground: Billy Idol
By: Efren Martinez

There is no better way to say, “I love you” than with a “rebel yell.”

On Valentine’s weekend I took my wife to Billy Idol’s Kings and Queens of The Underground concert in Oakland. In October of 2014 Billy brought forth another Rockin’ masterpiece with his new album “Kings And Queens Of The Underground” which features 11 amazing new songs. My personal favorites are “Can’t Break Me Down,” “Postcards From The Past,” and his bonus track “Hollywood Promise.” The full CD is all fresh, but does have several similarities to Billy’s retro sound. Perhaps this is why I like his new LP so much.

His show was over- the-top and screaming-loud. Billy proved to his bay area fans that there is no one like Billy Idol at any age. No sooner than he took his first steps onto the floor, he embraced his fans by coming right to the edge of the stage and enthroned his right once again as a Generation X, King of The Underground. His performance kept the crowd wanting “more, more, more” and with Steven Stevens by his side on lead guitar, they mesmerized the crowd into a “cradle of love.” The entire band went “face to face” all-out during the night with drum and guitar solos. The show was incredible, and at the age of 59, Billy still has no problem with showing off his muscular shirtless body to give the ladies some “flesh for fantasy.” The man looks amazing and better than most half his age. Rock on, Billy!

The opening band, Broncho, also got my attention. What is generally an audience warm-up, turned into an alternative rockin’ good time. I’ll be keeping an eye on them. I’ve included some Broncho info and media links below.

Billy Idol
Band Members: Billy Idol, Steven Stevens, Stephen McGrath, Billy Morrison, Erik Eldenius, Paul Trudeau
Genre: Punk, Rock, Rock, Glam, Pop


BFI Records Inc.
Released Oct 20th 2014 “Kings And Queens Of The Underground”
Digital Download:
Goggle Play

Band Members: Ryan Lindsey, Nathan Price, Ben King
Genre: Alternative

Dine Alone Records
Released Sep 16th 2014 “Just Enough Hip To Be Woman”
Available Now: