Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Red Event Center
921 8th Street
Modesto, CA 95354
Lunch is $30.00 a person
$25.00 Senior Citizens, Students, Veterans
$300.00 for a VIP table of 8 guests. This includes your business name in the Program, your table in front and a live mention by the MC.
We have four dynamic speakers lined up to share with you their ups and downs as a person of Color in our community. They will make you cry and laugh, they will inspire you, but mostly will empower you.
1) Austin Grant works for Stanislaus County Emergency Preparedness Analyst and is a Medical Reserve Corp. coordinator. He is also President of the United Black Student Union of Central California Region.
2) Rachel LeViege is a devoted woman of Faith and an entrepreneurial spirit. She owns her own business, LeViege Coaching,LLC and has her own radio show and is a Commissioner with the Stanislaus County Commission on Aging.
3) Phillip Murrell works for Oak Valley Community Bank as a Customer Service Representative. He is also a junior in college where he is working toward a BA in business and a Minor in communications. He is also a part-time youth pastor.
4) Liesha Sanders is the Diversity Equity Manager (DEI) for Stanislaus County Chief Executive Office. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in public health from UCI and University of Michigan.
We will also be honoring Wendy Byrd, the President of the NAACP, local chapter. Wendy is more than an activist. She has seen and felt the struggles in our community.
We hope you can join us as we celebrate Black History Month.
If you can’t attend, can you please consider sponsoring students, seniors or veterans to lunch? Their tickets are only $25.00 each. Your name or that of your business will be printed in the Program.
Sponsorships still available. We are a nonprofit organization 501 C 3 and
and our Federal Tax ID Number is 92-2774147.
Call and reserve now, pay at the door on the day of the event, cash. check or credit card. My number to call or text is (209) 303-2664 or by email at maggiemejia1948@gmail.com<mailto:maggiemejia1948@gmail.com>.
Maggie Mejia
Cesar Chavez Community Celebration Committee
PS–Save the date. Sunday, March 23, 2025 “Third Annual Cesar Chavez Birthday Celebration” with Mariachi Divas de Cindy Shea. All female mariachi. Two-time Grammy Award winner and house mariachi at Disneyland for over 5 years.