
BrewView: “Five Eye Brewing; A Thirst for Quality and A Desire to Understand Beer”

BrewView: “Five Eye Brewing; A Thirst for Quality and A Desire to Understand Beer”
By Christopher & Brandilyn Mitchell

This month we got to meet the brewers at Five Eye Brewing and, man, were we impressed with this operation! Founded by three partners (with five eyes between them-hence their name), they have a surplus of ingenuity and vision at their fingertips. The latest members of the Valley’s growing beer scene should not be missed on your next venture out.

The two brewers, Alan Atkins and Steve Verner, are both Valley natives and are all-around do-it-yourselfers. They don’t just craft brews, they craft it all. Both work as contractors and designed, built, programmed or amalgamated every inch of their brewery. Seriously, it might not look like it from the outside, but this is one of the highest-tech breweries we’ve seen. This brewery is a DIY-ers dream come true. This place is filled with ingenuity, and it’s blended with technology to create an automated, perfect process offering the customer consistency with their flavorful beer. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” That’s their intention and they are succeeding. 

They started out homebrewing twelve years ago, and quickly fell in love with the process. The business was started in 2017, but the brewery didn’t open until 2021. Their desire to understand the process is only second to their thirst for quality beer. A good example of this is their “Shade 10” nitro stout, made with grains that were cold-steeped for 24 hours and cacao nibs; or their “Orange You Glad” wheat beer, made with 35 hand-zested oranges.

Monkey Nuts is one of their flagship beers. Originally a nameless beer, it was christened by a drunk guy at a beer festival who took one sip of this banana-forward Belgian strong ale and kept recommending to fellow drunk people to, “Go try the Monkey Nuts over there.”

Steve considers himself a basic BMC man (Bud, Miller, Coors), and Alan’s favorite beer is a West Coast IPA. They offer a well-rounded selection of beers, so we are confident that you will find one you love. What do they want readers to know about them? “We are here! Come meet us!” Bring a friend, pick out your flight, and make some memories. Play a round of cornhole, or listen to a live band. Whatever you do, you will enjoy yourself. Sip on, friends!

5 Eye Brewing
1920 Foundry Ct Unit B1, Ceres
Hours: Friday 4pm-9pm, Saturday & Sunday 12pm-9pm
Check out Facebook for music line-ups and the schedule of food trucks