BrewView: Palermo
by Ren Fantastico
“That’s a lot of wine!”
Waitress, “Oh, too much?”
“No! Do you see my empty glass??”
Actual quote. That’s how I know my friends are better than yours. Sorry, never sorry! When you’re feeling like you wanna go to your fun aunts house where the cooking is delish and the pour is…GENEROUS. I am most lovingly sharing my worst kept secret. PALMEROS. Let’s be honest no one should trust me with a secret. Like how my office is home to THREE irascible ladies holding us hostage. Avoid them at all costs and you will do alright; get stuck in their odious ferreting of why everyone loathes them…Thoughts and prayers. THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS. Palmero is a wondrous place to destress from workplace trauma. You need a supererogatory amount of wine? I have good news.
How many times have I submitted my paperwork to do that… drama infested, landmine walking, Ford driving, neon red flag waving…(is HR reading this?) Individual. Scusami, but you see the only reason I am not in solitary is that I know Prince Charming is waiting with his white horse to take me to my slice of nirvana with a heavy pour. Also the stark reminder that punching people in the face leads to assault charges. Whatever. Worth it?
Owner Sergio Zamora gave me the scoop on running his families business. When his parents first moved to America our fave local Italian joint (then a Mexican restaurant) was his mom’s first job! Sergio grew up visiting and learning all about running a restaurant. His father was a chef in Palo Alto when he decided to open his own restaurant. Covid took away a lot of things but Palmero weathered the storm. Staying true to recipes and trusted ingredients had made them consistently delicious and a true treasure to our community. Sergio’s recommendation? A fresh bottle of cerveza and a cheesy calzone. You will be singing like Dean!
Speaking of food, girls gotta eat! With all my special requests and let’s be honest: pickiness, I’m a special order! No worries says Palmero’s! I gave them my list of must avoid and they met me where I needed it most, with options! Pollo Funghi Limone with mashed potatoes and dare I say veggies that were cooked to perfection AND delicious? Caprese salad that helped me appreciate work life balance. Problems were solved like only a Cabernet can.
Now my good people (NOT KAREN) I must ask you to take my hand and look deep into my sultry eyes. Meet my gaze and know I would never lie to you. When I say, the pour has no limits… they made my world shine! No longer must we suffer with the daintiest of servings. Nay my dear reader (sans Karen) I want you to know that these guys know how to pour like I’m at home in my jammies curled up with Pretzel and General Mix ready to watch the next episode of Rings of Power. Maybe less yelling in the restaurant? The stars made me drool and with clouds at my feet, I felt, amore. With choices that are sure to make you dance down the street you cannot go wrong.
Big thanks to Palmero for keeping me sane because Lord knows Pretzel can’t buy his own cat treats, (It’s so hard to crime without thumbs!). Sing with me, “Vita bella, vita bella.”
310 H St Modesto