
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

Building Muscles in 2024

Building Muscles in 2024
By Efren Martinez

Happy New Year, friends! Along with the New Year, comes all those resolutions we make every year. Such as, “I’m going to work out more,” “I’m going to eat healthier,” or “I’m going all in 110% in taking care of myself.” Why? Because I want to have that Movie Star model body. My advice? Hit the snooze button for another 15 minutes; you’re dreaming. Let’s get real and serious. Friends, let’s forget about having that Movie Star body until you become a Movie Star with all the resources they have at their disposal. Instead, what I say to you, all my Super Star friends, is let’s just focus on living the healthiest life we can and be comfortable with the skin we are in. Seriously! I love you just the way you are, and so do your true friends. Maybe take a different approach and change it up. Replace the New Year resolution with a focus on building muscle instead of losing weight. Every year, right around October, I start to scale back my cardio and focus more on building muscle and strength. I’m never looking to be huge; I just want to tone up my muscle structure and improve my strength. It’s a nice change instead of always training for speed and endurance. By March, I flip things back around and lean down for speed. It’s nice to switch things up. The reality is, just never quit trying to live the healthiest lifestyle you can. Remember to always love the skin you are in, no matter what shape or size, along with the imperfections we all have that make us so unique and beautiful.