
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997


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Songwriter View: Emerging Payton Mahoney

Mattea Overstreet

Songwriter View: Emerging Payton MahoneyMattéa Overstreet One of the most exciting elements of being a “small town” artist is the ...

Arts Alive

Jim Christiansen

Arts Alive By Jim Christiansen The Ninth Month of the year. Celebrate the Labor Day weekend, which is the season ...

End of Summer and Autumn Art

Jim Christiansen

End of Summer and Autumn Art By Jim Christiansen   August arrives with about the same hot temperatures as July, and ...

Quarter Century of Supporting Local Entertainment

Middagh Goodwin

MAMAViewBy Middagh GoodwinOn October 15th, the Modesto Area Music Awards will celebrate twenty-five years of music and live entertainment in ...

Off the Shelf: What’s Happening at Bookish

Summer Krafft

Off the Shelf: What’s Happening at BookishBy Summer Krafft It seems everyone has heard of Bookish, the passion project of ...

BigView – Modesto Rocks in August and Beyond

Chris Murphy

By Chris MurphyThere is one global truth: Music is the spice of life. From prehistoric times, through ancient civilizations with ...

RockabillyView – $35 and a Dream

Chris Murphy

RockabillyView By Chris Murphy Before there was Elvis, before Bill Haley, before Ike Turner, there were the Maddox Brothers and ...

Black Orchid Brewing: Your Neighborhood Watering Hole

Brandilyn Mitchell

Black Orchid Brewing: Your Neighborhood Watering HoleBy Brandilyn & Christopher MitchellI have great news for NorthEast Modesto-you’re getting a new ...