Community services around Modesto, California.

GoModesto – Turkey Trot
Go Modesto Turkey Trot – Thanksgiving Day – Legion Park Are you ready for a guilt-free Thanksgiving dinner? This is ...

AllAgesView – Friendsgiving
AllAgesView By Sofia Johnson Time has really flown this year thanks to all the fun Modesto has to offer. Some ...

ZenView Obstacles to Self Discovery
ZenView Mary Layton Obstacles to Self-Discovery The obstacles to fully discovering oneself may be that we are continuously emphasizing certain ...

FoodView – Alchemy Bread
FoodView By Abigail Murphy Alchemy Bread’s Bonnie Ohara “If you think Modesto doesn’t have artists, musicians, or culture, come to ...

ArtView – New Places for Art
Art View By Jim Christiansen October was a great month for art in the community with the second round of ...

Music Therapy with David Victor
Patients, visitors and employees at Doctors Medical Center had a special visitor yesterday. David Victor, former guitarist from the band Boston, provided music therapy at the facility.

Share the Warmth
Singer-Songwriter View: SHARE the WARMTHBy Patty Castillo DavisThe wind-down is upon us. The reflection is on the horizon.The blessings are counted, inventory is taken at holiday time as to where we might be without our fortunate favor and luck. Maybe this is the first time you get the chance to pay it forward, return the favor and elevate someone who doesn’t have your opportunities.

FilmView:Aberrant Films
More than likely, you’ve already heard about Modesto’s 20 Year Plan. Well, brace yourself because this up-and-coming, Moguls in the making duo, are destined to change the trajectory of said plan! Allow me to introduce you to Sky Tallone and Jon “Spider” Santana.

FW: FitView – Weight Loss Made Easy
Weight Loss Made Easy By Efren Martinez Halloween has passed and the chill in the air is starting to get ...

ComedyView: MAMA Winner
ComedyView: MAMA Winner Chris TeicheiraBy Felecia AlemanHello, hello, hello. I am currently at an undisclosed location in the South, but I can still stay current 209 goings-on. Last month I had each MAMA-nee give their statement and this month I have an interview with this year's winner: Chris Teicheira. This is Chris' second win.

MAMAView: Shop Small Buy Local
Shop Small Saturday is November 30th, and I encourage everyone to continue the trend and Buy Local Art and Music for all your Holiday Gifts. Your purchases will help to keep our arts community vibrant and healthy.

St. Stan’s Trivia Night and Expanded Menu
Thirsty Thursday is back at Stanislaus Brewing Co. (Modesto's beloved St. Stan's) with weekly trivia night and drink specials!

BluesView: Dig the Blues
BluesView: Dig the BluesBy Earl MathewsHello friends, there is so much happening this month in our area and my world. Let's dig in. Robert Cray is coming to town on the 8th, and he will be at the Tracy Grand again. He’s one of my favorite songwriters and one hell of a musician.

Save The Depot
If the current plan is accepted by the city council, our 114-year-old depot will lose much of its historic and architectural integrity. The plan is to remove most of the interior waiting room walls including the historic women’s waiting room, creating one large open space.