
Chanukah 2019 Celebrations

Chanukah 2019!
Congregation Beth Shalom invites you to Celebrate the LIGHT during this darkest time of the year:

Sunday December 22 at Vintage Faire Mall, specific time TBA
3401 Dale Street, Modesto – south side of the mall near the Apple Store

Monday December 23rd at 5pm in Downtown Turlock
Corner of South Golden State Blvd. & Main St

Friday December 27th 4:15pm in McHenry Village
1700 McHenry Avenue, Modesto, 95350

Friday December 27th 5:15pm at Congregation Beth Shalom
Chanukah Party with Dreidel Games, 6:15pm Shabbat Services
Latke, Mac & Cheese Shabbat Dinner! at 7:15pm
$12 adults, $6 children 12 and under, $30 for a family of 4+
RSVP by December 24th; $15 per person at the door
1705 Sherwood Avenue, Modesto, 95350

Saturday December 28th 7pm in Downtown Oakdale
Bianchi Community Center, 110 South 2nd Avenue
Followed by a “no host” Chanukah party at Last Call Brewery
159 North 1st Avenue

Sunday December 29th 5pm in Downtown Merced
Bob Hart Square, Intersection of Main Street and Canal, co-sponsored
with Congregation Etz Chaim
FREE events for all ages – Rain or Shine
For more information: (209) 571-6060