
Coffee with the Cops – Sept 12

Modesto, CA: The Modesto Police Department is hosting its first “Coffee with the Cops” event this Thursday September 12th from 7:30-9:30 AM at the Queen Bean Coffee House located at 1126 14th St. The Modesto Police Department invites citizens to meet with police staff for several upcoming “Coffee with the Cops” events. Citizens are invited to stop by any of these events and enjoy some informal casual conversations with various members of the Modesto Police Department. The intent of these events is to provide an inviting neutral atmosphere that fosters open communication between citizens of Modesto and members of the department.

Interaction with the community is the foundation of community partnerships. These events will hopefully help citizens discuss community issues and build relationships with officers. Citizens are encouraged to share their concerns, suggestions, compliments, and ask questions of the members of the Modesto Police Department about the community in which they live. No formal presentations will be made.

The department will have officers, detectives, community services officers, and other department employees from each area of command at these events to be available to talk with citizens.

See below for a list of upcoming dates, times, and locations.

For information regarding this press release, contact police public information Officer Scott Nelson at 209-652-2160 or Dates/Times/Locations:

September 12th 7:30-9:30 AM Queen Bean Coffee House 1126 14th St.

October 11th 21st 7:30-9:30 AM Plantation Coffee 3020 Floyd Ave

November 1st 7:30-9:30 AM Starbucks 2045 W.Briggsmore Ave

December 5th 7:30-9:30 AM McDonald’s 901 N. Carpenter Rd

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