By Felicia Aleman
By Felicia Aleman

Hello, hello, hello ModestoView-ers. I’m back. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to talk about first, so I drew names out of a hat. The first person to talk about: Saul Trujillo.

If you follow local comedy you know Saul Trujillo. He has a way of telling a story that will have you laughing from beginning to end fighting to catch your breath. He’s a member of the Deaf Puppies comedy group and has been working hard not only performing but producing shows. Now the payoff: On August 2, Saul will be featured on the Amazon Prime show Laugh After Dark (season 2, episode 8 for those who need to run to the TV right now). Congratulations, Saul! We’ll be watching.
The second bit of news about Saul: he’s ready to keep climbing to the next levels so he will be moving to Los Angeles soon. He will still be around the 209 performing, visiting and being a 209 comic at heart, so hopefully, you’ll still be out there rooting for him. Safe travels, friend.
Next bit of news: Anthony K is bringing another big comedy show to Modesto. August 31. This time he has paired up with the DoubleTree to bring comedy downtown. Tickets will be $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Anthony has promised a ‘dope comedy show’ (which for those not up-to-date on your slang means ‘super groovy’). This is advertised as an adult event, so get a sitter for the kiddies now so you don’t miss this show. Anthony always brings a mix of national and local comics that bring the laughs. In fact, bring tissues, you may start crying, too.
Last bit of Modesto comedy news. On August 7 at 6:30 at Barnes and Noble in Modesto there will be an appearance from the comedian Nina G. Barnes and Noble seems like a weird place for comedy, but not a weird place for a woman who is not only a comic, but an author, professional speaker, disability advocate, part of the The Comedians with Disabilities Act. Nina G. is promoting her new book “Stutterer Interrupted: The Comedian Who Almost Didn’t Happen” published by She Writes Press and available at bookstores and Amazon
“Stutterer Interrupted,” tells her story of growing up as a stutterer and overcoming learning disabilities to not only achieve her dream of becoming a comic but also becoming a college professor.
The book is written in a conversational style that to me, feels like part guide to breaking barriers to achieve your goals and part confessional. One chapter she talks about how her family works to convince the school to provide the services she needs, later we hear how a first kiss ended up being an awkward headbutt.
Nina is funny and fascinating and I look forward to interviewing her. You should be there.
So, Modesto-Viewers. That’s it for August. Stay hydrated.