ComedyView-Not your Granny’s Comedy
By Felicia Aleman
Hello, hello, hello. Happy March. Is it winter? Is it spring? Why is it sunny but if I go out in flip-flops I end up with frostbite? What do leprechauns do the rest of the year? Questions, questions…
Speaking of leprechauns and questions, this month’s interview is with Jeff Moreno Jr. a comic from Patterson. Jeff started as security at Tommy T’s Comedy Club in Pleasanton and eventually made his way onto the stage. He’s been going strong both performing and producing shows. Jeff talks about his Irish-Mexican heritage, and I think he might be a Mexi-chaun with magical powers.
This month Rocco the cameraman and I chose Ralston’s Goat on 10th/J downtown for a quiet spot on a Sunday afternoon and found out this isn’t your granny’s Sunday Brunch. One day we will produce a polished video, but this one wasn’t it. Go to ModestoView.com and check out this month’s video interview. Leave feedback if you want, but, I know…
The end of February I celebrated my two-year comedy birthday. I look back and realize I have done more than I thought I’d be able to in such a short time and I’m looking forward to working on getting better. At the beginning of March I will have my 48th birthday, and when I look back, I realize I’m too old not to know what I’m doing yet, and I hope that one day I will be able to find my shoes in the morning like a real adult.
As usual, there is plenty of live comedy going on in the 209, and you should try to catch a show or two.
Anthony Krayenhagen hosts Cheroot Comedy Night at Cheroot Cigar Lounge in Modesto every first and third Tuesday (March 6th & 20th) 7:30 p.m. no cover
Modesto comic Serena Gamboa will host comics from throughout California at R Place Music Club in Livermore Tuesday 13th at 8 p.m. no cover.
The Deaf Puppies comedy group will host headliner Robert Duchaine at Strings in Manteca on March 24.
Every first Thursday, I host Poorhouse Millionaires and Friends a free music and comedy Show at Ralston’s Goat.
Also, wish your favorite 209 comics good luck as many of us will be competing in the Annual New Talent Comedy Competition at Rooster T. Feathers in Sunnyvale throughout March and April.
See you next month!