
CommunityView La Loma Neighborhood

by Rhonda Allen


La Loma Neighborhood has been fortunate to have many involved neighbors working together on a variety of projects to improve the neighborhood.

Thanks to the handiwork of Doug Highiet, new La Loma signs will soon be placed in the roundabouts to dress up the neighborhood entrances. The signs are metal and will be mounted on a concrete base for stability.

Another new structure in the area is a little lending library, which has been built by residents and installed on Encina Avenue, where it is easily seen. It has been getting a lot of interest by both adults and children. Neighbor Susan Taylor brought the idea of installing the little library to the neighborhood and is now the guardian of the books.

A third project recently approved is to decorate the side of the pump station off Edgebrook Drive with ceramic tiles decorated by La Loma residents. The Culture Commission consented to the artistic project that will be installed by April. Suzanne Abid helped get the project approved.

Recently, La Loma Neighborhood also started developing a native garden along Encina Avenue. A row of valley oak trees has now been planted, and a succulent rock garden and variety of native plants are newly established along the pathway.

On April 8, Love Modesto Day, there will be a big planting party at the garden site to further develop the native garden. Any Modesto resident is welcome to sign up for the project called “La Loma Native Plant Garden” to help add to the workforce that will be needed. Rhonda Allen will be the project leader and you can contact her for more information at