Drop Off In Fitness
By Efren Martinez
Recently, there has been a noticeable decrease in fitness levels. The gym is less crowded, and during my runs, I no longer see the familiar faces I used to pass along the way. It’s understandable, though. With colder weather approaching, who wants to go outside? We tend to bundle up in sweaters and jackets, focusing more on fashion than fitness. However, it’s important to remember that during the holiday season, we often indulge in food and drinks, making it even more crucial to prioritize our fitness routines. In January, many people make resolutions to lose weight, resulting in packed gyms, at least for the first three weeks. To break away from this January routine, consider joining a gym now. Start by purchasing new fitness equipment or setting new fitness goals. Don’t wait until January; take action in December. Stay ahead of the fitness game and maintain your momentum. Grandma worked hard all summer to rock that bikini. Don’t let your fitness routine slip away and have to work twice as hard in the new year to regain it. My advice is simple: just like a pet isn’t just for Christmas, your fitness shouldn’t be either. Fitness, like a new pet, is a lifelong commitment. Additionally, it’s important to mention that we are more likely to catch a cold or other illnesses during the winter. If you’re sick, stay home and avoid spreading your illness to others. Many things in life are meant to be shared, but sickness is not one of them. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!