
Falling Into Fall

Falling Into Fall
By Eric Benson

Blue Monday Party is looking for a new home folks. October is the last month playing Café Urbano. At this location over the years, we have played over a thousand Mondays with great players and attendance, but it is time for a change. Any venues that would work hosting the Blue Monday Band two times a month give me a holler and let the band play on! Would like to thank my fellow musicians for their dedication to the craft, Dave Hawks and Cortez Flores on Drums, Conrad Johnson and John Adey on Bass, Andrew Rosenblum and John Burt on Sax, Eric Benson and Pat Governor on Keys, and special guest Gene Radino on Guitar for making it happen. And thanks to the fans and jammers for their support and keeping things rolling. We also would like to thank Chris Murphy and Gary Nelson for giving their loving support to the Blue Monday Scene which yours truly appreciates! And just like that the holidays are upon us, Hoping they trick or treat you well, and thanks for the Thanksgiving, and the reason for the season, presents!

Plenty to do downtown, Music in the Plaza Friday nights, the farmers market, and now we can be legit with cruzin’ so come on out with your slow-riding diamond in the back gangster whitewall, TV antenna in the back!

Some great shows at Gallo Center but also check out some great venues out of town: The Newman Theatre, Vinhose Tapas Bar in Merced, Yoshi’s Oakland best jazz shows, Khumba Music Center Santa Cruz, and Piedmont Piano Company, the Back Door and the Sound Room located in Oakland. Please continue to come out folks as we can’t do it without you!