FitView: Body Shock Fitness
By Efren Martinez
You’ve been hitting the gym daily and your workouts have become easy. In fact, you feel that your workouts aren’t nearly as hard as they use to be. So why aren’t the results that were seen early on no longer happening? If this sounds familiar it might be because you’ve hit a plateau with your workouts. This very same thing has happened to me. My body seems to get into the same fitness and metabolic burn that it just repeats itself. In order to break your hypnotic rhythm, you must go into a “Body Shock Fitness” workout. But it doesn’t stop there, you must also shock your body with a different kind of nutrition. Although everyone’s nutrition can be different, mine is pretty much the same each day. I eat and drink as clean as possible. My calorie intake is also about the same daily and my workouts are consistent even though I change them every other day.
Here’s how I shocked my body for fitness. Back in January my wife and I headed to Cabo for a well-deserved vacation. She gets the vacation and I worked on my booty off. While we were there we got on the all-inclusive meal and drink plan. My daily nutrition went totally into shock. The food was great, but not what my body was accustomed to. Pancakes, fried eggs, fried everything and just about every kind of rich-tasting salty buttery food you can imagine. Mind you I did watch what I ate. In fact, I sat there and watched it all go down comfortably and happily. Some nights I actually paid for it. The salt content was over the top and the term “Happy Hour” for me basically meant some Alka-Seltzer before bed. That’s the nutrition body shock part.
Now came my body shock workouts. Every morning I’d get up at 6 am and head to the gym for 2 hours and run 2-3 miles on the treadmill followed by some weight lifting. Soon after I’d join my wife for a very high-calorie rich breakfast and chill on the beach till the afternoon. That’s when I’d spend as much as 1.5 hours running and doing some open water swimming. I’d start with swimming out 200 yards to the first buoy, swim across 550 yards to the end buoy, and swim back in 200 yards to the shore only to spring out of the water and run the 550 yards across to where I started from. Then I’d jump back in the ocean and do it all over again for 6 loops. This was Body Shock Fitness at it’s best. My body was experiencing an entirely different workout than it was accustomed to. It worked! By the time I was ready to come home I was totally craving my steel-cut oatmeal and my raw vegetables. Later it did take me about 2 days to deflate, my body was so bloated with water retention from the salt-rich food that I ate. So after I got back to my regular workouts I could not only see the results instantly but I felt them. My muscles popped out with definition, my six-pack was even more defined, I felt stronger and healthier. Mind you for this body shock to really work you need to have as clean of a diet as you can and be consistent with your fitness. As most of you know, I don’t drink and I don’t eat fast food nor pre-packaged. So just as I said this was body shock at it’s best. Cheers to your Health!
By Efren Martinez
You’ve been hitting the gym daily and your workouts have become easy. In fact, you feel that your workouts aren’t nearly as hard as they use to be. So why aren’t the results that were seen early on no longer happening? If this sounds familiar it might be because you’ve hit a plateau with your workouts. This very same thing has happened to me. My body seems to get into the same fitness and metabolic burn that it just repeats itself. In order to break your hypnotic rhythm, you must go into a “Body Shock Fitness” workout. But it doesn’t stop there, you must also shock your body with a different kind of nutrition. Although everyone’s nutrition can be different, mine is pretty much the same each day. I eat and drink as clean as possible. My calorie intake is also about the same daily and my workouts are consistent even though I change them every other day.
Here’s how I shocked my body for fitness. Back in January my wife and I headed to Cabo for a well-deserved vacation. She gets the vacation and I worked on my booty off. While we were there we got on the all-inclusive meal and drink plan. My daily nutrition went totally into shock. The food was great, but not what my body was accustomed to. Pancakes, fried eggs, fried everything and just about every kind of rich-tasting salty buttery food you can imagine. Mind you I did watch what I ate. In fact, I sat there and watched it all go down comfortably and happily. Some nights I actually paid for it. The salt content was over the top and the term “Happy Hour” for me basically meant some Alka-Seltzer before bed. That’s the nutrition body shock part.
Now came my body shock workouts. Every morning I’d get up at 6 am and head to the gym for 2 hours and run 2-3 miles on the treadmill followed by some weight lifting. Soon after I’d join my wife for a very high-calorie rich breakfast and chill on the beach till the afternoon. That’s when I’d spend as much as 1.5 hours running and doing some open water swimming. I’d start with swimming out 200 yards to the first buoy, swim across 550 yards to the end buoy, and swim back in 200 yards to the shore only to spring out of the water and run the 550 yards across to where I started from. Then I’d jump back in the ocean and do it all over again for 6 loops. This was Body Shock Fitness at it’s best. My body was experiencing an entirely different workout than it was accustomed to. It worked! By the time I was ready to come home I was totally craving my steel-cut oatmeal and my raw vegetables. Later it did take me about 2 days to deflate, my body was so bloated with water retention from the salt-rich food that I ate. So after I got back to my regular workouts I could not only see the results instantly but I felt them. My muscles popped out with definition, my six-pack was even more defined, I felt stronger and healthier. Mind you for this body shock to really work you need to have as clean of a diet as you can and be consistent with your fitness. As most of you know, I don’t drink and I don’t eat fast food nor pre-packaged. So just as I said this was body shock at it’s best. Cheers to your Health!