
FitView: Find Your Own Fitness

FitView: Find Your Own Fitness
By Efren Martinez

There are so many choices when it comes to physical fitness. Quite often I get several emails in regards to what other options if I don’t or cannot swim, bike or run. Maybe the 3 I just mentioned don’t work for you as they once did before. My advice is to step back and remove yourself from the normal and quite often the go-to fitness routines. As we age so do our bodies and we must learn to adapt our fitness plan to them. Perhaps we were once able to run or even ride our bikes for long periods of time. Possibly an injury or age no longer allows us to do that anymore.

I always try to recommend other forms of physical fitness that don’t involve so much impact on our bodies. Why not try Yoga, Pilates or even Taichi. If you’re looking to get back into fitness and those don’t work out for you I’d invite you to explore other options. How about joining a baseball or basketball team. Joining a team is not only a healthy alternative but it allows you to practice working with others to achieve your goals. If that still doesn’t sound like your game, I’d invite you to think back and remember the days when you were more athletic. Look back and try to remember what physical fitness activities you enjoyed or even might have been pretty good at it in high school. Getting back to physical fitness that you once enjoyed while you were a student is a good start. Give it a go! Some more options would be Golfing, playing Frisbee, 4 Square, Tennis, Tether Ball, Racquet Ball or simply playing catch with a football or baseball.

For myself, it’s not hard to remember some of the fitness activities I did after high school. My buddies and I stayed in contact with each other by forming games at the park such as 3 flys up with a Frisbee. We also liked to get together at night and form games of tag. Silly as it sounds it was really quite a workout. We would pick any given playground at a park and the rules were that we couldn’t leave the sandbox area. Mind you we always got pretty roughed up playing 3 flys up and tag but one thing was for sure, we always got quite a workout. I guess the bottom line is don’t be afraid to try something different when it comes to physical fitness. After all, any kind of physical fitness is better than none.        
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