FitView: Fitness for your Health
By Efren Martinez
Happy New Year! It’s 2019, and most have us have put on an average of eight-holiday pounds. At this time of the year, it’s always the same resolution ideas and behavior of going on a diet or joining the gym for a thinner you. My advice is to forget about those resolutions and strive for a continued healthy lifestyle.
So yes most likely you did indulge over the Holiday’s with your food choices more than you would during any other time of the year, but that may not have to do much with those eight pounds you gained. Research has shown us that during the Winter and colder months our metabolic rates slow down to as much as 62% for most people. That’s as huge as those eight pounds that make you unable to squeeze into your skinny jeans.
Friends food is and can be a very powerful source on how healthy we can be. There are hundreds of different compounds in much of the vegetables, plants, seasonings and fruits that can do a great deal more for our health when it comes to weight loss. Since my healthy lifestyle change in 2004, I’ve made it a point to study the nutrition in much of what I eat. I’d like you to do the same for 2019. So instead of starting some fad diet or starting some hard to reach fitness goals from the start. Open up an old fashion paperback book and research the foods that can help you live a healthier life. Make it the year of nutrition and fitness but not so much for vanity, do it for your health! I think Judge Judy said it best; “Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever.”
Nutrition tip
Eating 3 cups of Brussels Sprouts per week can ignite your metabolic rate and studies have shown that you can lose as much as 8 pounds throughout three months. Results may vary depending on the rest of your nutrition. You are what you eat and drink.