
FitView – Going Pro!

Fit View By Efren Martinez

Going Pro!

So if you’ve ever wondered what a World Class Champion Tri-Athlete looks like, let me give you a hint. He’s the tall good-looking fellow on the left in the photo here. I first became aware of Andy Potts back in 2009 at The Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. Since then, I have been following Andy’s Superhero-like fitness abilities in Triathlons. Modesto View friends, as long as I can remember I’ve always believed that each person in this world has a God given talent and many of Andy’s competitors didn’t have to give it a second thought when it came to recognizing Andy’s. In fact, just the mere sight of his presence at a Triathlon is enough to get his competitor’s nerves quivering. Yes, Andy Potts is a world-renowned known Professional Tri-Athlete and when its race time, he never disappoints his sponsors.

I hooked up with Andy just recently to get his insight here for our Modesto View Fit View Readers. I, like many Tri-Athletes have always been interested in knowing what helps makes Andy go so fast on race day. So with that being said, I stated out with my biggest question I’ve often had issues with and that would be his nutrition the night before and the morning of race day.

Surprisingly, I learned Andy keeps it simple. Meaning no gimmicks or rituals its just pizza for a 6PM dinner, but not too much, and a Blueberry Muffin on race morning. According to Andy, he’s a Muffin Man! Muffins are packed with calories and can be easily stored away in your bag. But during an IRONMAN Triathlon, Andy relies on his Nutritional Sponsor AP Racing Power Bar. Thanks to Power Par, Andy not only took the overall win at this year’s 70.3 Oceanside IRONMAN, but also because of his detailed nutrition plan during the race, he didn’t have to stop at any of the nutrition stops. The man just kept going.

If you too would like to find out more about what keeps Andy Potts ahead of the game, join me and all of Andy’s fourteen thousand plus friends on his facebook page. Andy keeps us motivated as well as shares many of his training workouts for us to enjoy in our own quest to be better Tri-Athletes. You can friend him at<>

For questions, Athletes or upcoming Fitness Events you would like me to know about, please email me at or<>

Here is one of Andy Potts signature staple swim workouts to help you along. 500 free build 400 as 25 kick / 50 single arm / 25 swim; IM Order by 100’s 300 pull 200 as 25 fast / 25 easy 100 as 25 scull / 25 build / 50 backstroke MS: 2 x 150 @ negative split; 6 x 100 @ Half IM Effort; r=:05 2 x (15 pushups) 2 x 150 @ negative split; 4 x 100 @ OD Effort; r=:10 2 x (15 pushups) 2 x 150 @ negative split; 2 x 100 @ PUSH; r=1 min 2 x (15 pushups) 2 x 150 Negative Split Strip down set 200 fins, pads, snorkel, buoy 200 fins, pads, snorkel 200 fins, pads 200 fins