
FitView – Staying Mentally Fit

By Efren Martinez
Mental Fitness

When most of us think of fitness we usually think of it as just working out our bodies. Why do we not include fitness of our minds? As the saying goes,” Mind, Body and Soul.” Over the years I’ve learned that to be truly fit it must go beyond the physical abilities of ones life. In previous Fit Views I’ve often refereed to a lifestyle creed that I’ve learned to live by: 1. I build/sculpt my body by lifting weights. 2. I do cardio to strengthen my heart and lungs as well as to increase my endurance.3. I stretch to keep my mobility, flexibility and reduce injury. 4. I study and read to keep my mind sharp and smart. 5. I rest my body with 8 hours of sleep so my body heals and recovers. 6. I worship and pray to enhance my faith and spiritual well being. 7. I eat and drink the cleanest foods to help ironclad my immune system against sickness, diseases, viruses, and stress.

Let’s talk about number four a bit more, mental fitness. In today’s world our minds are being bombarded even more so with the challenges of not only living in a pandemic, but the stresses that go along with it in our everyday lives. At times the stress can be as unhealthy to your mind as a greasy meal filled with saturated fat is to your body. This is why it’s so important to make sure you’re exercising your mind daily so your able to maintain a well-rounded healthy lifestyle. These type of exercises would not only include mental thoughts to get the mind working but also a mental feel of well being that is surely to project a well persona on others. A well persona is not only important in our society, it is also as contagious as a smile. To workout ones mind I recommend going analog verses digital. Limiting/disconnecting from any and all digital screens is a must.

Some of the best ways I’ve learned to exercise my mind is reading, preferably your Modesto View that is filled with 100% positive good vibes. Whatever you decide to read make sure it’s a hard or paperback book or magazine instead of digital. This helps rest and ease our eyes and mind from those countless daily hours of screen time. Crossword puzzles, board games, sowing, artistic painting/coloring books and puzzles are also another good way to get your mind exercising.

So let’s talk about the enlightened mental persona part that goes along with mental fitness. As part of my day I make sure to only wear baggy sweat clothes when I’m working out in my home gym. Afterwards it’s a must that I put on a nice dress shirt, slacks and or something that helps me feel good about myself. Yes, wearing a nice outfit even if it’s to only romp around your home, as we all staying home, helps put us in a better state of mind. We feel handsome and pretty. “Pretty” it works well for men as it does women. This is why I also make sure that I’m caring for myself with self facials and daily grooming of my hands and feet. The analogy is simple and I’d compare it to the same feeling when ladies try on a new lipstick that’s just perfect with their complexion. In other words, feel good about yourself with what you wear and how your pampering/taking care of yourself. Below are a few other suggestions that may help you achieve a full-rounded mental fitness workout.

1. Limit the amount of daily news to 30 minutes per day.
2. Connect with 2 positive friends daily on an old fashion land line/analog phone.
3. Limit your social media time to one hour.
4. Encourage your friends to call you on the phone instead of texting or face timing you.
5. Listen to vinyl record on a record player.
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