
Free GED program starts January 9, 2017 at MJC

Free GED program starts January 9, 2017 at MJC Community Education

(Modesto, CA) – Modesto Junior College Community Education is offering a free, student focused program – “GED My Way!” All adults in Stanislaus County who did not graduate high school and need to earn a GED are eligible to participate. There is no charge for practice testing, study classes, books or materials.

The program is flexible to fit around busy schedules, with students studying just what they need to learn. Students enter the program by registering for one or two practice test sessions held January 9 – 14, 2017. Students will be given an individual study plan based on their testing results and will be enrolled in the appropriate class(es) that begin Tuesday, January 17, 2017.

“You can spend as little as 3-hours a week on one subject at a time, or take multiple classes in all 4 subjects”, explains Elizabeth Orozco-Wittke, manager of MJC Community Education and Contract Programs. “Our instructors help students understand the content, teach important test taking strategies, and provide tools to succeed. Students may also progress faster by additional study time at home.”

Program availability is first-come, first-served. However, if a class is full, students are encouraged to sign up on the waitlist.

Practice test schedules, class schedules and free registration are available online at In the “search for a class” field enter “GED My Way” to see listings of pre-tests and study classes. Questions may be directed to the MJC Community Education Office at (209) 575-6063.

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