
Free MAX Thanksgiving Bus Service

Free MAX Bus Service for Thanksgiving Dinner

Modesto Area Express (MAX) will provide limited bus service free of charge on Thanksgiving Day (November 22) to and from the Salvation Army Free Thanksgiving Dinner served at Modesto Centre Plaza. The bus service will be provided on the three routes shown at

Only one trip to the Modesto Centre Plaza will be made on each route at the times shown. All buses are scheduled to arrive at the Modesto Centre Plaza around 12:35 p.m. If a bus reaches passenger capacity enroute to the Modesto Centre Plaza, another bus will come back for those not able to board the first bus.

Buses will depart the Modesto Centre Plaza after the dinner at 2:30 p.m. and make one return trip for each of the same routes. Additional return trips will be made if all passengers cannot be accommodated on the first trip.

In addition to the free bus service MAX will provide, Modesto Area Dial-A-Ride (MADAR) will offer free rides to and from the Thanksgiving Day Dinner to anyone living within the MADAR service area who is unable to use the three specified fixed routes. Advance reservations must be made with Dial-A-Ride by calling (209) 527-4900 no later than noon on Wednesday, November 21. When making reservations, passengers will be assigned a pick-up time.

Brochures indicating the routes can be found online at and are also available on MAX buses, in many social service agencies, and in the lobby at Tenth Street Place (1010 10th Street). For more information, call (209) 521-1274 or go online to