
FitVeiw – The Healthy 20s

By Efren Martinez

Health Versus Wealth
As I’ve aged with my friends, unfortunately, I have seen more of us opting out of vacations, working more and leaving the paid daily breaks at the door. Some of us even work two jobs only so we can afford the latest and greatest tech gadgets or that big house we never spend any time in because of our commute. Sure you can afford all of that, but the price is much higher than most can imagine.

Here’s an out of the box kind of thought for 2020. Why not spend all that extra time you’d be working and/or commuting and instead invest in a healthier lifestyle? Imagine this, getting up in the morning and spending time exercising instead of in the car sluggishly moving on the freeway during your morning commute for those two hours. Being home shortly after 5 pm every night to either get some fitness in before dinner or spending quality time with your family. Sure this would take a full lifestyle change from where you like to settle on not having the latest gadgets or new car.

I choose health over wealth. In my life, I’ve devoted my extra time to health and a few favorable hobbies like writing for the ModestoView. My IPhone is a few years old, I don’t drive a new car, nor do I eat out 4-6 days a week.

I’m aware that this inspirational thought may not apply to you. Some of us have to work two jobs to keep food on the table, and some are single parents just getting by. I salute you, you’re a champion! Thank you for hanging in there and being proudly self-sufficient. But if you find yourself being some flexibility, think about having the courage to scale back work and invest in your health. The rewards will come in so many ways. You will live happier, longer and healthier. You will be fitter, sleep better and with all that you might even be able to kick most of those meds you may be taking for things that are making you sick.

Friends, instead of going with those common un-kept New Year’s resolutions, I’d like you to think about this inspirational fitness piece for 2020. I love you all, I want you to age healthy and well with me. Do it for yourself and do it for your family. Let this new decade be known as the “Healthy 20’s” instead of the Roaring ’20s.
From our family to yours, Happy New Year!