
GeekView: May the Fourth Be With You

GeekView: May the Force Be With You
By Middagh Goodwin

Modesto is known for many things but one thing that geeks around the world know it for is being the hometown of George Lucas the creator of Star Wars and American Graffiti. Modesto is the first city to make an official proclamation making May the 4th, Star Wars Day. We have celebrated every year since.

Last year amongst the shelter in place order, we dared to declare our love for all things Star Wars and celebrated virtually using the technology only imagined in 1977 to share stories and fun, we encouraged everyone to dress up and have fun at home.

Things are not back to normal just quite yet, so we are going to celebrate virtually once again. Join us online at for a fun-filled day. Dress up as your favorite and post pictures so we can share as well. Feel free to download or print out the Star Wars coloring and activity sheets on the page.

We have reached out to several cosplayers to read Star Wars stories from a Little Golden Book, and are happy to have Princess Leia(Marie Gwin)A New Hope, Sith Torrid(April Victorine)Empire Strikes Back, Rey(Carma Mize)The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren(Justin Alvarez)The Last Jedi, RoseTico(Brittany Hall)I am a Hero, Princess Leia(Autumn Shea)I am a Wookie and more.

I will also be spinning an hours worth of Star Wars themed music on This is SKA airing on KCBP 95.5 FM at 9 pm. 

The United States Postal Services is releasing a new batch of Star Wars stamps, Droids. The main branch in Modesto on Kearney will be celebrating 9-5 pm, dress up, swing by and pick up some stamps. 

At the end of the day, we will share the Star Wars Radio Drama to enjoy with the family, relive the thrilling action and sounds of Star Wars in a totally different way.