

The talent of our local youth is amazing. Their insights and instincts can be some of the best in a global perspective. Local college student Zachary Senn as a global perspective. He has been capturning amazing images around the world, from the highest towers to the factories of Indonesia. Some of his works amaze your eyes and this new series will amaze your soul as it looks behind the walls and at the people that make the products of global brands. Despite global admiration of national footwear brands and consumer marketing messages of inspiration and success with huge financial support of university and professional athletics, many workers live in slums and endure terrible working conditions. After you see this exhibit at the Peer Recovery/ModSpot gallery, you will never look at your shoes or cellphone the same way. When you see this work, you are excited for the future of our youth.

Zachary Senn is a freelance journalist and photographer based in Modesto. He travelled to Western Java in November & December to document the lives of workers at Nike contracted factories.

Gallery Reception with Zachary Senn
January 17- Peer Recovery / ModSpot 13th and J Modesto

The photo by Zachary Senn attached depicts Giyarso, a worker with Nike’s PT. KMK Factory, showing his son the gloves that the factory provides him with to operate the 356 degree press that makes the bottoms of Nike and Converse shoes