The Modesto Cruisers Council has a toy drive at the Graffiti USA Museum Dec. 17, 10-2 pm. Please also support the drive to have the cruising ban lifted and attend the regular city council meetings Dec. 6 & 13. Look for our amazing local Low Riders at the Holiday Celebration of Lights parade Dec.3. Check it out as a couple of our Modesto City Councilpeople are going to be in Lowriders this year.

GoDowntown Modesto – Cruisers Toy Drive
The Modesto Cruisers Council has a toy drive at the Graffiti USA Museum Dec. 17, 10-2 pm. Please also support the drive to have the cruising ban lifted and attend the regular city council meetings Dec. 6 & 13. Look for our amazing local Low Riders at the Holiday Celebration of Lights parade Dec.3. Check it out as a couple of our Modesto City Councilpeople are going to be in Lowriders this year.