By Chris Murphy
You don’t need to be a member of a Rotary Club to know the key foundation. This goes a bit further than the classic “Golden Rule” of “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you”. There are many versions, some as simple as “you get what you give”. Rotarians take it a little further and apply some community and business standards. The world would be a pretty good place if we operated with these guidelines. Clip and save these as it gives perspective to decision making.
Rotary 4-Way Test
* Is it the truth?
* Is it fair to all concerned?
* Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
* Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
I am a member of Modesto Rotary, (tbh with marginal attendance) my daughter Madison is in Modesto Sunrise Rotary and Abigail and Harrison are in North Modesto Kiwanis Club. Modesto has great service groups that could use your skills, time and support. There are many more service clubs like Elks, Lions, Moose and Masons, but here are a few links to get started<>