
GoModesto – MJC Turkey Trot

Go Modesto
Turkey Trot is Back !
Are you ready for a guilt-free Thanksgiving dinner?
The Turkey Trot is a family friendly 3.1 mile course on a paved path with some grass and dirt. The 1/2 mile kids run will be on grass, 1/4 mile out and 1/4 mile back. There is also a Gobbler Walk, an event for just walkers on the same 5k course. Strollers/dogs are welcomed. Lots of parking, easy run and a lot of fun. Check in begins at 7:30 am and races start 8:45 for the kids and 1Ž2 and 9:30 for the 5K. Overall male and female finishers will receive a medal. T-shirts will be provided and will be guaranteed to the first 1200 entrants. Please no strollers, headphones, or dogs in the 5K run. We will see you there. Adult race is $20, Kids $15
Thanksgiving Day – Legion Park