Go Vote
This year at least in Stanislaus County and the State of California will be an all-mail election. If you are registered to vote you should have received information from the Registrar of Voters. It contains details on the November 3rd Presidential and General Election. Your ballots will arrive in a blue & white envelope so keep an eye out. Mailed out on October 5th, please don’t wait until the last moment to fill out and mail in or drop off at an authorized ballot dropbox, satellite office or the elections office. Check your voter guide or stancovote.com for locations and times. In-person voting will be available, with satellite offices open October 31st through Election Day. You do not need to go unless you need to replace a ballot or desire accessibility or language assistance, Satellite offices will issue vote by mail ballots and will not offer a traditional poll experience with a ballot scanner. Voting by mail is safe, secure, confidential and convenient. 77% of county residents already vote by mail. The first results released on Election Night are from the vote by mail ballots received before Election Day. If you are not registered there is still time. https://registertovote.ca.gov/