
Great Valley Museum -Free admission April 2

Great Valley Museum offers free admission day on April 2

The Great Valley Museum of Modesto Junior College is celebrating its 1 year anniversary in the Science Community Center on west campus with free admission on Saturday, April 2. The MJC west campus is located at 2201 Blue Gum Avenue in Modesto.

Each adult is invited to explore the GVM exhibits from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and may bring up to five children with them free of charge. Complimentary refreshments and goodies will be available in the lobby while supplies last. GVM will also offer $5 planetarium shows throughout the day.

“Mark your calendar and bring your loved ones to the Great Valley Museum for this family fun and educational day,” said Arnold Chavez, GVM director.

The Great Valley Museum is a non-profit museum dedicated to providing science and natural history education to adults and children of all ages through classes, programs, and exhibits. The museum is funded through memberships, admissions, grants, and donations.

For information about the museum, please check our website at

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