Women’s March
On January 21st of 2017, millions of women and allies around the world took to the streets to make themselves seen and heard, demonstrating to advance women’s human rights. Now, nearly three years later, the Women’s March movement has announced that on January 18, 2020, feminists and women’s human rights defenders will march yet again in the 4th Annual Global Women’s March. Read More
by Eric Benson
“If you luv music you’re gonna love this”
Blue Monday Party returns to its new home Café Urbano, formerly of Clayton’s Restaurant where we did Blue Monday for almost 700 Blue Mondays over 8 years. Last Blue Monday there we had over 70 people who stayed to the end with great food, and music on a blustery Monday night with a full bar. Shout out to Halley Smith, Zowie and Eddie who manned the Merchandise table and played some great Blues for teenagers. The Blue Monday Band with Barry Finnerty (from Miles Davis Band) on guitar hosted the Jam and was on fire! Read More
Unplugged View: Footloose And Fanny Free
by Aaron Rowan
“Without music, life would be a blank to me.” – Jane Austen.
Behold! Modesto’s first annual JaneCon, a weekend devoted to all things Regency era. January 10-12 will be filled with screenings of Jane Austen film adaptations, lectures, costume-making workshops, and at the center of it all, two performances of the opera version of ‘Mansfield Park’ – the story of heroine Fanny Price’s journey into young womanhood. I’ll be venturing outside my listening-concert comfort zone to oversee two Regency dance sessions on Sunday morning. Read More
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