
Greetings from ModestoView | 04-06-2020

Greetings from ModestoView | 04-06-2020  
ModestoView News Letter

Greetings Friends!

I know our local people are doing the best possible during these times.   So far, our county is doing well and let’s keep that going.   As this COVID situation rolls on, we need to remember that these basics are still the best you can do and are 90% of the solution.  

  1. Hands – Wash them often
  2. Elbow – Cough Into it
  3. Face – Don’t Touch It,
  4. Space – Keep your distance  
  5. Home – Stay if you can. 
  6. Masks- For use when you can not practice safe distancing.   

In the meantime, still need to be creative, connect with each other.  Let’s make sure we are calling, connecting, facetiming and checking in on people.  Sometimes we spend too much time on our facebook feed or Netflix and there is so much more happening around you that needs you.  Do you have a Bear or an Animal in your window for the neighborhood kids?  Are you hosting a virtual live concert from your house?  Telling a story?  Doing some cool crafts?  Making masks for our health care teams?  Are you getting exercise? These are just some of the ways we can all contribute.  Our good friend Victoria Popoff is doing free Pilates Sessions for all ability levels on Thursdays at 10 am and 4:30 pm on   Stay fit in the privacy of your own home or office.   

Friends, our local restaurants have been working hard to deliver Grab N Go business. They are there for us all year long and we love their food, so let’s make sure we are arranging for pick up and get the food we love, and take it home to eat with your family.   We have launched a new public page for GrabnGo at to see menus, phone numbers and updated info.  We have also created at list of our local restaurant that are open for GrabNGo that we are trying to keep updated, but so much is changing and there is some good news, some places like Tresetti’s opened up again last week and Fuzio is opening back up on Wednesday.   Here is the link to our guide 

ModestoView is hosting a Virtual Live Concert every night at 6 pm at  Don’t miss it and make sure to tip your local musician. These folks have lost all of their local gigs and when they do these shows, tip a couple of $ on Venmo or PayPal.  It would mean a lot. This week, live at 6 pm:   Monday Candice Lamb, Tuesday Micah Van Zandt,  Wednesday MAMA Winner – Erik Andersen, Thursday Alex Coria, Friday MAMA Winner –  Melynda Rodriguez. 

This is a crazy time but working together and staying connected, we can all make it through in good shape.    We send a big thanks out to our essential businesses, moving our food supply, keeping our stores stocked, caring for our sick and making sure our clothes are clean and our cars are working and we appreciate you and support you all.    

Thank you, Chris Murphy  

Read our April ModestoView with great interviews about Earth Day, History of Modesto in the 1930s and great local food tips and other ways to make it through on-line here 

If you have any updates on local events or activities –  please let us know at 
If you want to advertise your company or service –  please contact 

Monday 5 pm MAMA Radio on KCBP 95.5 FM
Mon-Fri 6 pm MAMA Virtual Live at ModestoView Facebook 
Wednesday/Friday 10 am Virtual Bi-Lingual Story Time with the Stanislaus Library
Thursday/Saturday 8 am Modesto Certified Farmers Market 16th Street 
Thursday 10 am/4:30 Pilates with Victoria Popoff at ModestoView Facebook
Thursday 10 am Virtual Coding  Stanislaus Library
Thursday 6 pm Freak Radio on KCBP 95.5 FM
Sunday Happy Easter
Take a Virtual Tour of a Museum or Aquarium 
Virtual Screening at the State Theatre

ModestoView Home Page

GreetingView: Make the Best in Strange Times

By Chris Murphy  

Greetings Friends,

It is really important that we find a way to stay positive now. It is hard. These are strange times. From less than a month ago, we went into March, aware that something big was happening, but over the last 30 days, the global impact of this hit us right here at home. I am a very social person and so much of my enjoyment comes from hanging out with friends, enjoying a cocktail on some of my fave local restaurant patios, enjoying a great band in the plaza or at the Gallo or State. But all of that is on hold right now as we all manage as best we can, trying as hard as we can to keep as much normal in our lives, despite existing in e our own plastic bubbles of separation. Read More

Let’s Grab and Go Modesto!  

By ModestoView

Here is a list of Restaurants and Cafes still serving with Curbside Pick up or deliveries. Remember to tip generously. Order directly if possible as Grubhub and Doordash charge 20-30% to the restaurant. These are subject to change day to day. Copy and paste this list into your phone for easy access. If you are a Modesto Business who is still open and or available online. Please comment down below so we can share your updates:  Check out Read More

Creating Positivity During Trying Times

By Victoria Popoff

It’s no surprise that many of us have had to PIVOT very quickly to change how we operate our business. I know for myself, the ability to deliver workouts at Studio V has become 100% virtual, even personal training sessions. Many of my fitness entrepreneurs were put in a position to change the way they delivered services as well. Get Fit is a locally owned fitness studio that started delivering live workouts to clients, as well as many other studios, in a moments notice. If you ever thought about joining a studio, now may be the time to get a feel for these facilities without ever having to step foot inside. Read More

Pick up a copy of the ModestoView Magazine on newsstands and drop off locations all over Modesto and Stanislaus County. or read online at

The ModestoView Magazine is 100% positive each and every month with a
print run of 56,000 copies, 36,000 home delivered and over 800 dropoff locations in Stanislaus County. If you are interested in advertising email for our rate card.

If your event is not on this list, please email it to and check out calendar at before you leave the house. Read More

Make sure to like us and follow us at

Thanks for reading, Middagh Goodwin, ModestoView Senior Editor.
You have received this message as you have interacted with us on one of our many community projects, super fun events like Art Walk, the Modesto Area Music Awards, Rockin’ Holiday, May the 4th, or Graffiti Summer.
If you know a friend that should get this greeting, please send this link and we will hook them up.

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