Greetings Friends, We are on the eve of Hallowe’en and this is such a cool time of the year. This is virtually a national holiday at our house and we can’t wait for the trick or treaters. Speaking of haunted, please visit the McHenry Mansion as it has been converted to a Victorian funeral home complete with embalming tools of the day with an exhibit called Morbid Obsession. Super cool and spooky and Wayne Mathes and the crew has done a great job. There is a Day of the Dead special Karaoke at Bayou on Friday so let’s keep the haunts going. Please be safe and watch out for the kids and families tomorrow night and make a point to get to know the people in your neighborhood.
This week we have some great stuff happening as we head into an end of Daylight savings time weekend. Dave Dow Jam on Thursday is at the new location at Ralston’s Goat. Very cool to have 2019 MAMA winner King Mackalot at the Palladium on Friday night. Don’t miss the Odd Couple, live on stage as well as some cool Beethoven from the Modesto Symphony at the Gallo Center. Donnie Baker will be bringing the laughs at the State Theatre on Friday night too. So much going on it makes your head spin as we flip the switch to November.
Special congrats to John Surla for celebrating 10 years of Surla’s on 12th St. Were you there on opening night? I was and hope to see you there. Check Surla’s Facebook for more info.
Also, we need to save the historic train depot. We want ACE train, but we need to preserve the historic architecture. Learn what we can do here:
The exciting new “Makers” edition November ModestoView will be delivered on November 1, always on time, all over Stanislaus County. You can also read it online at
I hope you are enjoying your Modesto experience and I hope to see you out and about and please let me know how we can make ModestoView better.
Thanks for reading – Chris Murphy
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Morbid Obsession
The McHenry Mansion Foundation announces a one of a kind tour of Victorian Funeral Customs just in time for Halloween. This is a self-guided walk-through tours of the beautiful historic Victorian McHenry Mansion will start at 5:30 p.m. with last entrance at 7:30 p.m. The Mansion, located at 906 15th Street, Modesto, will be draped in black crepe ribbon rosettes and display historic curiosities from the Victorian period and their fascination with death. Read More
Indigeny’s Annual Harvest Fest
By Brandilyn Brown
If you’re looking for something fun and harvest-y to do this month, we’ve got a great suggestion! Indigeny Reserve in Sonora is hosting their family-friendly annual harvest festival every Saturday, featuring fresh pumpkins and apples, a corn maze, wagon rides, food trucks and a vendor faire to celebrate the limited release of their autumn cider, pumpkin spice. There is PLENTY of seating: they have three picnic bench areas with shade trees and umbrellas, and a large grass area for lounging and playing. Read More
By Sofia Johnson
I recently had the pleasure of visiting our beautiful McHenry Museum. In the heart of downtown Modesto, stands one of the most historical structures of our city. I had the opportunity to sit down and learn about the museum from the knowledgeable and friendly docent, Jacquelyn Wooldridge.She told us all about the building’s rich history and architecture. Read More
Save the Depot!
By Bob Barzan
If the current plan is accepted by the city council, our 114-year-old depot will lose much of its historic and architectural integrity. The plan is to remove most of the interior waiting room walls including the historic women’s waiting room, creating one large open space. The exterior wall on the track side, considered the front of the depot, would also be removed extending the waiting room to the arches that would be filled in with storefront windows and doors. Read More
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Thanks for reading, Middagh Goodwin, ModestoView Senior Editor.
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